3–7 Nov 2014
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


Day 1, November 3, 2014
08:30-09:00  Registration
09:00-09:05  Welcome by the Organisers
09:05-09:10  Welcome by Starplan (J

Session I: Star cluster formation, observations (chairs: Dib, Bailey, Hocuk)

09:10-09:35  Probing the physical conditions of massive star cluster formation with ALMA (Johnson)
09:35-10:00  Mini-starburst ridges and instantaneous star formation efficiency (Motte)
10:00-10:25  The ATLASGAL survey: a view on the earliest stages of high mass star and cluster formation

10:25-10:50  Revealing the initial conditions of star cluster formation: the case of Serpens South (Nakamura)

10:50-11:15  coffee break

11:15-11:40  The star formation history of embedded clusters (Bik)
11:40-12:05  The structure of young stellar clusters (Gouliermis)
12:05-12:30  Massive stars/clusters in the giant molecular cloud G23.3-0.3 (Messineo)

12:30-14:00   lunch break

14:00-14:25  High mass star formation in the outer Milky Way (Negueruela)
Constraining the gas and stellar distributions in NGC 346: the most massive star forming region in
                      the LMC (Hony)

14:50-15:15  Fragmentation of massive dense cores down to ~1000 AU: relation between fragmentation, density
                      structure and turbulence (Palau)

15:15-15:45  coffee break

Session II: The dynamics of stars in (young) clusters: observations (chair Haugboelle)

The dynamics of young clusters from the Gaia-ESO survey (Jeffries)
Runaway massive (and less massive) stars (Gvaramadze)
Supernova ejections dominate the massive runaway star production in 30 Doradus
Tracing the origins of star clusters through their structure and kinematics (Wright)

17:35-18:30  Discussion session A:
similarities and differences in the formation of stellar clusters, and as
                    a function of the environment
(chairs: Motte, Jeffries)

18:30-...         welcome reception

Day 2, November 4, 2014

Session III: The IMF & binarity: theory, statistics, and observations (chair: Ojha)

Observations of stellar multiplicity in star-forming regions and young clusters (Kraus)
Analytical models of the initial mass function (Hennebelle)
A non-universal IMF in Galactic stellar clusters (Dib)
09:55-10:20  The low-mass initial mass function and dynamical state of Westerlund 1 (Andersen)
Poster presentations-part 1-(Czanick, Zeidler, Wu, Frimann, Kuffmeier) 3' each. 

10:35-11:05  coffee+posters

Session IV: Theoretical and numerical models of star formation (chair: Motte)

The dependence of star cluster formation on initial conditions (Bate)
The effect of magnetic fields on fragmentation and the core mass function (Basu)
Turbulent fragmentation and the IMF (Haugboelle)

lunch break

14:00-14:25  Understanding the role of small and large scale physics in numerical studies of star formation
The binary properties of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs (Stamatellos)

14:50-15:15  Infall-driven protostellar accretion and the solution to the luminosity problem (Padoan)

15:15-15:45  coffee+posters

15:45-16:10  Two stage fragmentation for cluster formation (Bailey)
Microphysics modeling with Krome (Grassi)

Discussion session B: How much variability is there in the producst of star formation (IMF,
                    binarity, sub-structure, etc, ..)
(chairs: Basu, Bate)

Day 3, November 5, 2014

Session V: The dynamical evolution of stellar clusters (chair: Hony)

09:00-09:30  Stellar clusters: nature or nurture (Goodwin)
Formation of very young massive clusters: the case of NGC 3603 young cluster (S. Banerjee)
Making sense of mass segregation in clusters, observed and simulated (Parker)
Poster presentations-part 2-(Maia, Vincke, Fragione) 3' each

10:30-11:05  coffee+posters

Modelling early cluster evolution with AMUSE (Pelupessy)
11:35-12:05 Stellar dynamical remedies to star formation headaches: The triple nucleus of M31 in focus

12:05-13:35  lunch break

Session VI: The formation of the Solar system, planets, in stellar clusters (chair: Pelupessy)

The birth stellar cluster of the Solar system (Church)
Close encounters in the birth environments of planetary systems (Davies)
Stellar encounters and protoplanetary disc evolution (Rosotti)

14:55-15:20  coffee+posters

15:20-16:20  Discussion session C:
stellar dynamics and the reverse engineering of the cluster formation
(chairs: Goodwin, Touma)

16:30             departure to Louisiana museum

18:00-21:00  conference dinner, and visit of the Louisiana museum

Day 4, November 6, 2014

Session VII: The role of feedback in the evolution and disruption of stellar clusters (chair: Touma)

Triggered star formation in molecular clouds (Ojha)
Evidence of sequential star formation processes involving mid-size embedded clusters. The
                    examples of RCW 121, IRAS 12272-6240 and Trumpler 14-N4 (Tapia)
Disc Formation and Feedback from YSOs (R. Banerjee)
Poster presentations-part 3-(Frostholm, Castellanos, Estrella, Persi) 3' each

10:37-11:05  coffee+posters

Feedback from massive stars on molecular cloud scales (Nordlund)
Before the supernovae-effect of ionisation and winds on embedded clusters (Dale)
The dynamics of superbubbles driven by star cluster winds and supernova explosion

12:25-14:00  lunch break

14:00-14:25    Impact of ionoization compression on turbulent molecular clouds, and dating of OB associations

14:25-14:55  Discussion session D: feedback on clusters scales, effects and modelling (chair: Nakamura)

14:55-15:30  coffee+posters

Session VIII: Star formation, stellar populations, and feedback on galactic scales (chair: S. Banerjee)

Galactic flows and the formation of stellar clusters (Bonnell)
The stellar populations of galaxies from their fundamental building blocks (Kroupa)

Kiloparsec-scale simulations of star formation in disk galaxies: structure and dynamics of filaments
                      and clumps in giant molecular clouds (Butler)
16:55-17:20  Formation of massive stellar clusters in galaxy mergers (Escala)

17:20-18:20  Discussion session E:
Feedback, from local to galactic scales (chairs: Bonnell, Ojha)

Day 5, November 7, 2014

Session IX: Globular clusters (chair: Gouliermis)

09:30-10:00  The turbulent dawn of globular clusters (Charbonnel)
Observational constraints on globular cluster formation scenarios (Larsen)

10:30-11:00  coffee+posters

11:00-11:25  Dynamical models for the remote halo globular clusters Pal 4 and Pal 14 (Hasani-Zonoozi)
11:25-11:50  How does the gas expulsion phase affect the initial conditions of star clusters (Haghi)

11:50-14:00  lunch break

14:00-14:30  Discussion session F: what do globular clusters tell us about the formation of massive
                     clusters and about their early evolution
(chair: Kroupa)

Summary of workshop and future outlooks (chair: Nordlund)

15:30             End of workshop


part 1

P1- A very interesting high mass star forming region RCW 34 (Czanik)
p2- A Hubble Space Telescope multi-band survey with WFC3 and ACS of the young massive star cluster
      Westerlund 2 (Zeidler)
p3- The massive stellar population of W49: a spectroscopic survey (Wu)
p4- Zooming in on star formation (Kueffmeier)
p5- Bridging the gap between large-scale simulations and observations of star forming cores (Frimann)

part 2
p6- Gravity and thermodynamics: fundamental principles and gravothermal instability (Fragione)
p7- How the dynamics of young clusters influence the properties of forming planetary systems (Vincke)
p8- Near infrared study of the fainter population in Cygnus OB2 (Maia)

part 3
p9-   Ray Tracing Radiative Transfer with Ramses (Frostholm)
p10- The soft and hard X rays thermal emission into massive stellar cluster winds with a supernova
         explosion (Castellanos)
p11- Models of cold low velocity clouds (Estrella)
p12- The complex star forming region IRAS15507-5359 (Persi)