27–28 May 2019
Fænø Park
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Tilmeldingsfristen er den 10. maj!

ATLAS Detector Upgrade for High Luminosity - Danish Contribution

Not scheduled
Fænø Park

Fænø Park

Oddevejen 8, 5500 Middelfart, Danmark Telefon: 63401906 WWW: sundogskov.dk
Contributed talk


Mogens Dam (Niels Bohr Institute)


The LHC will undergo a luminosity upgrade by nearly a factor ten during the 2024-2016 shutdown. For this, the ATLAS detector will undergo substantial upgrades. Most important is the replacement of the complete inner tracker for a new silicon based system. The Niels Bohr Institute contributes to this in three areas: a) In a consortium between NBI and the universities in Lund, Oslo, and Uppsala, we construct and test about 650 (~6 m$^2$ out of a total of 165 m$^2$) of silicon senor modules; b) In collaboration with DESY, Hamburg we develop and construct the so-called End-of-Substructure module which is responsible for all communication between the silicon sensor modules and the outside world. Specifically NBI is responsible for the power delivery based on local DC-to-DC conversion; c) For an improved real-time event selection, a Hardware-based Track Trigger (HTT) is being developed. This is based on high-performance Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The talk will describe these contributions and their current status.

Primary authors

Mogens Dam (Niels Bohr Institute) Stefania Xella (hep) Craig Wiglesworth (Niels Bohr Institute) Alessandra Camplani (Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen) Jan Oechsle (NBI) Flavia Diaz

Presentation materials

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