27–28 May 2019
Fænø Park
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Tilmeldingsfristen er den 10. maj!

Overview in english

The registration deadline is May 10th!

As the board of the Danish Physical Society, DFS, it is our great pleasure to announce that registration for the Annual Meeting of the Danish Physical Society 2019 is now open! This year, we are again very happy to announce this with a solid line-up of invited speakers from the Growth Layer of Danish Physics.

The Annual Meeting will this year take place from the 27th to 28th of May, and the venue will again be at SUND&SKOV (Fænø Park) near Middelfart. The program includes plenary talks, parallel thematic sessions and of course the poster session, the dinner and great company with colleagues past and present, fellow physicists and old friends. The confirmed invited speakers for this year's meeting are:

Invited speakers

  • Joao Mendonca, DTU Space, Exploring the Climate of Exoplanets
  • Jonathan Bohr Brask, DTU Physics, Entanglement in Quantum Thermal Machines
  • Anne E. B. Nielsen, AU, Quasiparticles in Topological Quantum Systems
  • John Bulava, SDU, Hadron Scattering Amplitudes from High-Performance Computing
  • Markus Ahlers, KU NBI, IceCube: Neutrinos and Multimessenger Astronomy
  • Pernille Klarskov Pedersen, AU, Imaging of carrier dynamics on the nanoscale with terahertz nanoscopy
  • You Zhou, KU NBI, Probing the universe's primordial soup at the LHC
  • Dirch H. Petersen, DTU Physics, Microelectrode based metrology for magnetic tunnel junctions
  • Lars Pleth Nielsen, Teknologisk Institut, On the impact of different plasma technologies on coating properties
  • Hugh Simons, DTU Physics, Multi-scale structural dynamics in oxide multiferroics
  • Christa Gall, KU NBI, Searching for the Known Unknowns: Lightening up the Dusty Universe
  • Karen Chan, DTU Physics, Computational Electrocatalysis for Sustainable Energy Conversion
  •  Planned Plenaries:

  • Heather Lewandowski, University of Boulder, Colorado, Engaging Students in Authentic Scientific Practices in Physics Lab Courses
  • After-dinner talk v. Thomas Tauris, AU: Neutron Stars and Black Holes: Mergers and More Magic

Town Hall Session:

Private foundations contributions to research in natural and technical sciences

  • Thomas Bjørnholm, research director, Villum Fonden
  • Morten Bache, senior scientific officer, Novo Nordisk Fonden

All participants, especially students, are encouraged to bring a poster, and there will be cash prizes for both the best talks and the best posters. The winners will also be invited to write an article about their project to KVANT.

The registration deadline is May 10th.

Membership of DFS will, as always, lead to a discount on the conference fee, and there will also be free-passes for both high school teachers and students that are members of DFS. A condition for the free-passes is to present a poster or give a presentation.

Application for scholarship should be sent to DFS Chairman of hald@fysik.dtu.dk before May 10th. The application must be justified and stating the title of the desired presentation (talk or poster).

To register, click on the tab "registration" on the menu to the left side.

The registration is completed after final payment. Payment is possible by paypal or common creditcards (via paypal.dk).