27–28 May 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Transferring innovative methods across scientific boundaries...

A new vocabulary for textures and its astronomical applications

28 May 2021, 13:50
Poster Images Poster session 2


Sihao CHENG (Johns Hopkins University)


Textures and patterns are ubiquitous in imaging data but
challenging for quantitative analysis. I will present a new tool, called
the “scattering transform”. It borrows ideas from convolutional neural
nets while sharing advantages of traditional statistical
estimators. As an example, I will show its application to cosmic density
maps for cosmological parameter inference and show that it
outperforms classic statistics. It is a powerful new approach in
astrophysics and beyond.

Primary author

Sihao CHENG (Johns Hopkins University)


Prof. Brice MÉNARD (Johns Hopkins Univerisity) Dr Yuan-Sen TING (IAS) Prof. Joan BRUNA (New York University )

Presentation materials