5–9 Jul 2021
Niels Bohr Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Zoom room: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/65131069481?pwd=Sk1ZMUlLU3F0NmNlQlFVNkJiNmlUQT09

Decaying dark matter

6 Jul 2021, 13:45
https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/65131069481?pwd=Sk1ZMUlLU3F0NmNlQlFVNkJiNmlUQT09 (Zoom)




Andreas Nygaard (Aarhus University)


In this presentation I will go through the goals of my PhD project, what I am working on at the moment, and how this relates to neutrinos. I will present some analytical results (recently published) relating standard sterile neutrinos through $\Delta N_{\rm eff}$ to very short-lived decaying cold dark matter, and I will describe how the decay of massive dark neutrinos can help to relieve the Hubble tension along with the numerical aspect of this problem. During my PhD, I will investigate different cases of direct and two-body decays with increasing numerical difficulty. I will present the ideas and possible outcomes of these different cases.

Primary author

Andreas Nygaard (Aarhus University)

Presentation materials