10–12 Oct 2022
Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab (The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters)
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab (The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters)
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Interstellar space is full of atoms and molecules. These atoms and molecules are observed through their emission and absorption spectra, and our understanding of these spectra originate with the Bohr model of the atom. Through observations we know of more than 200 molecules in space. Understanding their chemical origin and the physical link to star- and planet-forming regions, as well as emerging exoplanets, are some of the key topics of modern-day astrochemistry that will explored in this symposium.

Symposium questions and themes

How is the heritage from Niels Bohr reflected in modern-day Astrochemistry?

What is the origin of chemical complexity in star- and planet-forming regions?

Is chemistry inherited from clouds to disks to planets?

How are the properties of exoplanet systems shaped within protoplanetary disks?

Registration and Abstract submission

All participants are requested to register by filling out the "Registration" form accessible via the menu on the left of this page. Please provide all information by Friday Sept 9, 2022. Note that this meeting is only open to invited participants, and that there is no registration fee.


The workshop will take place in the historic building of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in the center of Copenhagen. Lunch and coffee breaks will be provided at the venue, as well as a welcome reception with the poster session on the first day.


- Liv Hornekær (University of Aarhus), co-chair
- Jes K. Jørgensen (University of Copenhagen), co-chair
- Anja C. Andersen (University of Copenhagen)
- Anders Johansen (University of Copenhagen)
- Lars E. Kristensen (University of Copenhagen)


The symposium is financially supported by: 


Registration for this event is currently open.