19–21 Aug 2024
Lundbeck Auditorium
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Exploring transport in coupled quantum dots for quantum reservoir computing

19 Aug 2024, 16:30
1h 30m
Lundbeck Auditorium

Lundbeck Auditorium

Parallel or poster Poster Session


Alva Höglund (Lund University)


Information processing and analysis of time series are crucial in many applications but often face constraints such as high computational complexity. Quantum reservoir computing, which combines a reservoir of neuromorphic quantum hardware with a simple neural network, offers a promising solution. By utilizing the high-dimensional space and dynamics of quantum systems, this approach enables the creation of models that can handle more challenging temporal learning tasks.

In this project, we simulate a system of interacting coupled quantum dots connected to electronic leads as a quantum reservoir. We use a Lindblad master equation approach to calculate the dynamics and transport through the systems and evaluate its performance through several benchmark tests.

Primary author

Alva Höglund (Lund University)


Dr Konstantin Nestmann (Lund University) Prof. Martin Leijnse (Lund University) Simon Wozny (Lund University) Dr Viktor Svensson (Lund University)

Presentation materials