
Application / Registration

Opened 12 Feb 2015
Closed 1 Jun 2015
Contact info
Anette Studsgård ( - NBIA Coordinator

Important Information Regarding Registration: Registration on this website is only an application to attend the school. After registration ends, we will notify accepted participants. In order for your application to receive full consideration, please provide all the information requested in the application form and submit this form before the deadline. List the three most relevant courses that you have taken that will allow you to take advantage of the school. List any relevant publications on the subject areas of the school that you have authored. Provide the name and contact information of your current advisor. In order for your application to be fully considered we must receive, before the registration deadline, a letter from your advisor with an assessment of how this school will benefit you. Please read more about this when you fill in the registration form. Accepted Students: Due to space limitations; we estimate that a maximum of 30 students will be accepted for the school. Please fill in the application/registration form as soon as possible to be fully considered. Accommodation at a nearby hotel will be arranged and paid for by the organizers. Some travel support will be available for some exceptional cases. See the application/registration form for details. Eduroam will provide you with wireless Internet access. At the Niels Bohr Institute you can choose to connect via either eduroam or the NBI guest network.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.