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11 June 2020 to 31 December 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Session 7: Non-lorentzian theories (Dec. 3)

Time zone is CET
13.30 - 14.00:  Arjun Bagchi (IIT Kanpur)

14.00 - 14.30:  Jan Rosseel (TU Vienna)
14:30 - 14:40 break

14.40 - 15.10: Neil Lambert (King's College London)

15.15-16.30 discussion moderated by Valentina Giangreco Puletti (Iceland Univ.)
Titles and abstracts
Arjun Bagchi (IIT Kanpur)
Title: BMS Modular Diaries and Minkowskian Holography.  
Abstract: One of the successful routes to Minkowskian holography is the formulation of the duality in terms of BMS-invariant field theories that live on the null boundary of spacetime. In 2d BMS field theories, one can define a notion of modular invariance that leads to a BMS-Cardy formula. This formula reproduces the Bekenstein Hawking entropy of cosmological horizons in 3d flat space. We revisit this construction before building on it to find asymptotic BMS structure constants from the modular covariance of torus one-point functions. We also formulate a bulk calculation that reproduces our field theory answers. 
Jan Rosseel (TU Vienna)
Title: A non-relativistic limit of NS-NS gravity
Abstract: In this talk, I will argue that there exists a particular non-relativistic limit of NS-NS gravity that can be taken at the level of the action. This relies on the fact that terms that diverge in the limit and that come from the Vielbein in the Einstein-Hilbert term cancel against similar divergences arising from the kinetic term of the Kalb-Ramond two-form field. This cancelling of divergences is the target space analogue of a similar cancellation that takes place at the level of the string sigma model between the Vielbein in the kinetic term and the Kalb-Ramond field in the Wess-Zumino term. Some of the equations of motion of the resulting non-relativistic NS-NS gravity action are solved by geometric constraints that define a so-called String Twistless Torsional geometry and that is a string version of twistless torsional Newton-Cartan geometry. Both the action and the geometric constraints then exhibit a local target-space scale invariance that emerges in the limit.
Neil Lambert (King's College London)
Title: 5D non-Lorentzian CFT’s and 6D Physics”

Abstract: We discuss a class of 5-dimensional supersymmetric non-Lorentzian Lagrangians with an SU(1,3) conformal symmetry. These theories arise from reduction of 6-dimensional CFT's on a comformally compactified spacetime. We use the SU(1,3) Ward identities to find the form of the correlation functions which have a rich structure. Furthermore we show how these can be used to reconstruct  6-dimensional  CFT correlators.