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11 June 2020 to 31 December 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Session 3: Non-relativistic string theory and field theories (July 8)

Seminars and discussions on Non-Relativistic String Theory and Field Theories

13.30 – 14.00 Shira Chapman (University of Amsterdam)

14.00 – 14.30 Chris Blair (VUB, Brussels)

14.30 – 14.40 break

14.40 – 15.10 Stefano Baiguera (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)

15.10 – 15.40 Wei Song (Tsinghua University, Beijing/IAS, Princeton)
15.40 – 16.00 break

16.00 – 17.00 discussion session with speakers and participants 
moderated by Niels Obers

Titles and Abstracts (titles link to pdf files of the talks)

13.30 – 14.00 
Shira Chapman (University of Amsterdam)

`Renormalization of Galilean Electrodynamics'

We study the quantum properties of a Galilean-invariant abelian gauge theory coupled to a Schrödinger scalar in 2+1 dimensions. At the classical level the theory with minimal coupling is obtained from a null-reduction of relativistic Maxwell’s theory coupled to a complex scalar field in 3+1 dimensions and is closely related to the Galilean electromagnetism of Le-Bellac and Levy-Leblond. Due to the presence of a dimensionless, gauge-invariant scalar field in the Galilean multiplet of the gauge-field, we find that at the quantum level an infinite number of couplings are generated. We explain how to handle the quantum corrections systematically using the background field method. Due to a non-renormalization theorem, the beta function of the gauge coupling is found to vanish to all orders in perturbation theory, leading to a continuous family of fixed points where the non-relativistic conformal symmetry is preserved. Time permitting, I will also comment on ongoing work on possible supersymmetric extensions of the theory.

14.00 – 14.30 Chris Blair (VUB, Brussels)

`Non-Lorentzian Generalised Geometry: From DFT and ExFT to SNC and TNC'

There is a surprisingly natural description of stringy non-relativistic geometry in terms of ``doubled geometry''. The latter was introduced in order to unify the metric and B-field, and can be used to reformulate both the worldsheet and supergravity theories in terms of a repackaging of the fields which is compatible with an O(d,d) symmetry, inspired by T-duality. I will describe the basic ideas, why this should be useful for non-Lorentzian geometry, and discuss some applications, including how to write down a locally worldsheet supersymmetric theory in background fields for SNC or TNC. I will also describe the extension to M-theory via ``exceptional geometry''.

14.30 – 14.40 break

14.40 – 15.10 
Stefano Baiguera (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)

`Non-relativistic corners of N=4 super Yang-Mills: (1+1)-dimensional theories'

Spin Matrix Theories (SMT) are non-relativistic quantum mechanical models arising from particular decoupling limits of N=4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) near a BPS bound. In this talk we focus on sectors for which a SU(1,1) structure is preserved and we show that they can be obtained at the classical level by reduction of N=4 SYM on a three-sphere. Upon quantization, and taking into account normal ordering, they match the corresponding limits of the one-loop dilatation operator, thus establishing the consistency of the procedure at the quantum level. In the particular case of SU(1,1|1) SMT, we find a tantalizing superfield formulation which includes the full interaction. All the cases have a semi-local formulation as (1+1)-dimensional non-relativistic quantum field theories living on a circle. 

15.10 – 15.40 Wei Song (Tsinghua University, Beijing/IAS, Princeton)

`Entanglement entropy for warped conformal field theories'

Warped conformal field theories are two dimensional field theories featuring a Virasoro-Kac-Moody algebra, and have been conjectured to be holographical dual to asymptotic AdS3 or warped AdS3 spacetimes under Dirichlet-Newman boundary conditions. In this talk I will discuss several aspects of this model of holographic duality including holographic entanglement entropy, Renyi mutual information, quantum chaos, and modular Hamiltonian.