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11 June 2020 to 31 December 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Session 2: Non-relativistic gravity (June 25)

Seminars and discussions on Non-Relativistic Gravity

13.30 – 14.00 Dennis Hansen (ETH, Zurich)

14.00 – 14.30 Johannes Lahnsteiner (University of Groningen)

14.30 – 14.40 break

14.40 – 15.10 Lucrezia Ravera (Politecnico di Torino)

15.10 – 15.40 Axel Kleinschmidt (Albert-Einstein-Institute, Potsdam)

15.40 – 16.00 break

16.00 – 17.00 discussion session with speakers and participants 
moderated by Jan Rosseel



 Titles and Abstracts  (for pdf file of the talk click the title)

13.30 – 14.00 Dennis Hansen (ETH, Zurich)

`Non-Relativistic Sector of GR'

Abstract: In this talk we will study the 1/c^2 expansion of General 
Relativity, where c is the speed of light. This yields a manifestly 
non-relativistic, diffeomorphic invariant theory of gravity with an off 
shell description. This extends non-relativistic gravity beyond 
weak-field Newtonian gravitation in a geometric framework which is a 
novel type of Newton-Cartan geometry that includes time dilation and 
torsion. We shall see how canonical GR spacetimes like Schwarzschild, 
the Tolman--Oppenheimer--Volkoff solution for a fluid star, the FLRW 
cosmology and anti-de Sitter all are exact solutions to this theory and 
study couplings to matter.

References: arXiv:2001.10277 [gr-qc], arXiv:1905.13723 [gr-qc], 
arXiv:1904.05706 [gr-qc], arXiv:1807.04765 [hep-th].

14.00 – 14.30 Johannes Lahnsteiner (University of Groningen)

`Non-Relativistic Supersymmetry on Curved Three-Manifolds'

Abstract: I will discuss recent progress in the study of supersymmetric 
field theories on curved Newton-Cartan three-manifolds. The 
supersymmetry parameters have to solve associated Killing spinor 
equations. Galilean covariance requires these equations to form a set of 
two algebraic and two differential equations. I will present explicit 
examples of consistent Newton-Cargan geometries that solve these Killing 
spinor equations and discuss an associated field theory. Moreover, I 
will highlight the general lessons learned and speculate about extensions.

14.30 – 14.40 break

14.40 – 15.10 Lucrezia Ravera (Politecnico di Torino)

`Chern-Simons formulation of non- and ultra-relativistic (super)gravity 
theories in 2+1 spacetime dimensions'

Abstract: Non- and ultra-relativistic symmetries attracted a particular 
interest over recent years due to their many applications in the context 
of strongly coupled condensed matter systems as well as non-relativistic 
effective field theories, gravity models, and holography. In this 
presentation, I will focus on the construction and analysis of 
three-dimensional non- and ultra-relativistic (super)gravity models 
described by Chern-Simons actions as gauge theories.

15.10 – 15.40 Axel Kleinschmidt (Albert-Einstein-Institute, Potsdam)

`Post-Galilean symmetries'

Abstract: Performing a Wigner-Inonu contraction on the relativistic 
Poincare algebra leads to the non-relativistic Galilei algebra. I will 
present work on how non-relativistic corrections to this construction 
can be described algebraically, which provides a kinematical framework 
for post-Galilean corrections. I will discuss applications of this 
framework to particle dynamics and gravity. The talk is based on 
1910.13560 and 1912.07564 with Joaquim Gomis, Jakob Palmkvist and 
Patricio Salgado-Rebolledo.