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11 June 2020 to 31 December 2021
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Session 1: Non-relativistic string theory (June 17)

Seminars and discussions on Non-Relativistic String Theory


13.30– 14.00 Gerben Oling (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)

14.00– 14.30 Ceyda Şimşek (Groningen University)

14.30– 14.40 break

14.40– 15.10 Natale Zinnato (Utrecht University)

15.10– 15.40 Ziqi Yan (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo)

15.40– 16.00 break

16.00– 17.00 discussion session with speakers and participants moderated by Jelle Hartong



Titles and abstracts (titles of talks link to pdf of slides)


Speaker: Gerben Oling


Title: The Geometry and Dynamics of Spin Matrix Strings


Abstract: From a particular limit of relativistic strings, one can obtain strings with both a non-relativistic worldsheet and a non-relativistic target space. Starting from relativistic strings on AdS5xS5, this mirrors the Spin Matrix Theory limits of N=4 SYM that zoom in on the (non-relativistic) dynamics near a BPS bound. The resulting strings have a Galilean conformal algebra as their worldsheet reparametrization symmetries, and they couple to a U(1)-Galilean geometry. We report on several lines of progress in the understanding of these strings, including the relation to Penrose limits and the interpretation of the U(1)-Galilean geometry as a (symplectic) phase space, parametrizing the physical degrees of freedom, rather than a traditional sigma model target space.



Speaker: Ceyda Simsek


Title: The NS-NS Branes of Non-relativistic String Theory


Abstract: Non-relativistic strings couple to the background fields of string Newton-Cartan geometry (SNC), as well as to a Kalb-Ramond and dilaton field and all these background fields must satisfy the beta functions as in relativistic string theory. Given the background field equations of motion of the geometry that underlies SNC geometry, I would like to construct the basic string, five-brane and Kaluza-Klein monopole solutions. First, I will introduce the basic properties of non-relativistic string theory such as Stückelberg symmetries and non-relativistic T-duality and then discuss these solutions.



Speaker: Natale Zinnato


Title: Type I Torsional Newton-Cartan spacetime from string theory.


Abstract: In this talk I will discuss the string theory describing Type I TNC target spaces. As in usual bosonic string theory, the target space equations of motion are derived by requiring the cancellation of the Weyl anomaly on the worldsheet. In particular I will show how this can be done by using the background field method. Finally I will discuss some properties of these equations of motion."



Speaker: Ziqi Yan


Title: Nonrelativistic Open String Theory


Abstract: Nonrelativistic open string theory refers to an open string sector of nonrelativistic string theory that has an open string spectrum with a Galilean-invariant dispersion relation. I will derive the spacetime equations of motion satisfied by the gauge fields on D-branes in nonrelativistic open string theory, by requiring that the theory is consistently defined at the quantum level. This gives rise to novel gauge theories that are nonrelativistic.