May 16 – 19, 2022
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The spacing and thermodynamics of updraughts in organised shallow cumulus

May 16, 2022, 12:12 PM
Public Library (Utrecht)

Public Library


Neude 11, 3512 AE Utrecht, the Netherlands
Poster Mesoscale organization of shallow and deep cumulus convection Poster pitches


Steven Boeing (University of Leeds)


We consider the clouds that form in Lagrangian high-resolution and single-column model simulations based on different days of the EUREC4A/ATOMIC field campaign. These simulations are driven using ERA5 reanalysis, and contain examples of flower type and gravel type organisation. In particular, we consider the spacing and thermodynamic properties of updraughts and detrained air during different regimes of convective organisation, at different stages during the life cycle of the cloud. We also test the sensitivity of these properties to the LES forcings.

Primary authors

Leif Denby (University of Leeds) Steven Boeing (University of Leeds) Peter Blossey (University of Washington, Seattle) Roel Neggers (University of Cologne) Salima Ghazayel (University of Cologne)

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