19–23 Aug 2013
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Virtual Machine

Virtual Machine Image

To run the virtual machine, you will need VirtualBox. Get it at https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

A link to download the virtual machine image will be placed here. The files will also be available on USB memory sticks.


The Virtual Machine files are available at:
VBox file:  http://www.nbi.dk/~gmurphy/NBIA%20Summer%20School%202013.vbox
Machine image (8GB): http://www.nbi.dk/~gmurphy/NBIA%20Summer%20School%202013.vdi

It is important hat these links are not overloaded by too many people attempting to download at the same time. It is also useful to use a fast wired ethernet connection in Auditorium C.

Linux and Windows

On Linux and Windows machines, if the Virutal Machine does not work, you may need to enable hardware virtualization in your BIOS.


For using IDL, you will want to make an extra modification to the VM settings, the line:

export IDL_PATH=".:+./idl:+../idl:+${PLUTO_DIR}/Tools/IDL:+${PENCIL_HOME}/idl:<IDL_DEFAULT>"

should be added to the file


You will need to restart the virtual machine for this change to take effect.


Adding a Shared Folder

If you are running out of space, you can add a shared directory to the virtual machine, which will give you a drive which lives on your host system. Roughly, the steps are:

  1. Create a directory on your host system to share with the VM.
  2. In the machine settings for the VM, add this directory as a shared folder, and set it "automount" and "permanent".
  3. Restart the VM. Once it restarts, you should have new directory in /media which is your shared directory.
  4. To make it so your user in the VM can use the new shared directory do:
    sudo usermod -aG vboxsf nbia
    and restart the VM.


  1. To set environment variables to point to copies of the source codes, source the script:
    . ~cmcnally/setup_environment.sh
  2. Copy the directory $PLUTO_DIR/Test_Problems to your home directory:
    cp -r $PLUTO_DIR/Test_Problems ~/