19–23 Aug 2013
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Participant List

45 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alejandro Torres Forne Universitat de Valencia
Alexandru Iosif Complutense University of Madrid
Amir Hammami Institue of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo
Carlos Cuesta Martínez Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Valencia
Carsten Littek Institute for theoretical Astrophysics, University of Heidelberg
Daniel E. Nóbrega-Siverio Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
Deniss Stepanovs Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
Denys Malyshev Bogoluybov Institute for theoretical physics
Dominique Meyer Argelander Institut fur Astronomie
Donna Rodgers-Lee Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
Emanuel Gafton Oskar Klein Centre, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University
Emmanuel Bempong-Manful University of Ghana
Erfan Nourbakhsh Shahid Beheshti University
Felix Sainsbury-Martinez University of Exeter
Giuseppe Di Bernardo a) University of Gothenburg, Department of Physics; b) Visiting PhD student at the Astronomy Department, UC Berkeley
Gopakumar Gopakumar Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
Graham Lee University of St Andrews
Harry Braviner University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Heiko Möller Technical University of Darmstadt
Joana Oliveira Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon
John Ross Warwick University
Jonatan Martin IEEC-CSIC
Lucas Kelley Harvard University
Michael Küffmeier University of Copenhagen
Michael Rieder University of Zurich, Inst. for Theoretical Physics
Mohamad AbdElmajed Abas Mostafa Shalaby Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mohammed El-Sadek National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics
Mubashir Mir University of Kashmir Srinagar India
Nadia Perez UNAM - CRyA
Norma Risdianto Universitas Gadjah Mada
Oleksiy Matsiaka Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Per Andersen Niels Bohr Institue, Dark Cosmology Centre
Riccardo Vanon University of Cambridge
Ryan Miranda Cornell University
Sarah Jabbari Nordita and Stockholm University
Sarah Wellons Harvard University
Sheng-Jun Lin Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University
Shinji Koide Kumamoto University
Sujit Kumar Nath Indian Institute of Science
Søren Frimann Niels Bohr Institute
Tabasum Bhat University of Kashmir Srinagar India
Teymur Saifollahi K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Institute of Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM)
Thomas Berlok Niels Bohr Insitute
Troels Frostholm University of Copenhagen, NBI, Denmark
Xinyi Guo Harvard University