2–4 Feb 2015
Niels Bohr Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Participant List

13 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Alberto Guffanti Niels Bohr Institute
Amel Durakovic NBIA, Niels Bohr Institute
Anne Mette Frejsel Niels Bohr Institute
Assaf Ben-David Niels Bohr International Academy
Asta Heinesen Niels Bohr Institute (NBIA)
Jeppe Trøst Nielsen NBI / NBIA
Jules Galusha NBIA
Matti Herranen Niels Bohr Institute
Niels Obers Niels Bohr Institute
Paul Hunt LMU
suresh nampuri WITS
Tone Ruud Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo
Troels Petersen Niels Bohr Institute