First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Agnese | Bissi | Harvard University |
alberto | zaffaroni | university of Milano-Bicocca |
Alejandra | Castro | University of Amsterdam |
Alex | Blatov | MISiS and Independent Moscow University |
Alfonso | Ramallo | University of Santiago |
Andrea | Amoretti | University of Cambrige, DATP |
Andrey | Bagrov | Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands |
Antón | Faedo | Universitat de Barcelona |
Asger | Ipsen | NBI |
Behnoush | Khavari | Institute for research in fundamental sciences, IPM, Iran |
Benedict | Fraser | University of Athens |
Benjamin | Basso | École Normale Supérieure |
Bjarke Todbjerg | Niels | Niels Bohr Institute |
Blaise | Goutéraux | Stanford U and APC, CNRS France |
Brian | Swingle | Stanford |
Carla | Rodriguez | Aix Marseille University |
Carlos | Hoyos | Oviedo University |
Carlos | Nunez | Swansea University |
Chao | Wu | Institution of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Charlotte | Kristjansen | Niels Bohr Institute |
Christiana | Pantelidou | Barcelona University |
Cynthia | Keeler | NBI |
Daniel | Elander | University of the Witwatersrand |
Daniel | Grumiller | TU Wien |
Daniele | Musso | ICTP - Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics |
David | McGady | NBIA |
David | Sabonis | TU Munich & University of Copenhagen |
Deniz Olgu | Devecioglu | METU/NBI |
Dennis | Hansen | NBIA |
Emil | Bjerrum-Bohr | Niels Bohr, NBIA |
Emil | Have | NBI |
Flavio | Porri | Utrecht University |
Francesco | Bigazzi | INFN, Pisa, Italy |
Francisco | Pena-Benitez | INFN-Perugia |
Frederic | Brünner | Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology |
Geoffrey | Compère | Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Georgios | Itsios | University of Oviedo |
Gitte | Michelsen | NIels Bohr Institute |
Gordon | Semenoff | University of British Columbia |
Hendrik | van Zyl | University of the Witwatersrand |
Ioannis | Papadimitriou | SISSA |
Irene | Amado | Stockholm University |
Jakob | Gath | Ecole polytechnique (CPHT) |
Jan | de Boer | Institute of Theoretical Physics, Univ of Amsterdam |
Javier | Tarrio | Universite Libre de Bruxelles |
Jay | Armas | Université Libre de Bruxelles |
Jelle | Hartong | Universite Libre de Bruxelles |
Jerome | Gauntlett | Imperial College |
Johanna | Erdmenger | Max Planck Institute for Physics |
Jules | Galusha | NBIA (Alumni) |
Kasper | Vardinghus | Niels Bohr Institute |
Keun-Young | Kim | Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology(GIST) |
Kevin | Grosvenor | Niels Bohr Institute |
Koenraad | Schalm | Leiden University |
Konstantin | Zarembo | Nordita |
Kristan | Jensen | San Francisco State University |
Larus | Thorlacius | University of Iceland/Stockholm University |
Mahdis | Ghodrati | University of Michigan |
Marco | Sanchioni | Niels Bohr Institute |
Marika | Taylor | University of Southampton |
Marius | de Leeuw | Niels Bohr Institute |
Mark | Van Raamsdonk | University of British Columbia |
Marta | Orselli | University of Perugia |
Matteo | Bertolini | SISSA |
Matthias | Wilhelm | Niels Bohr Institute |
Matti | Järvinen | Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris |
Mehdi | Sadeghi | TMU |
Miguel | Costa | Universidade do Porto |
Miguel | Zilhao | Universitat de Barcelona |
Moshe | Rozali | Ubc |
Natasha | Khattak | NIels Bohr Institute |
Nick | Evans | University of Southampton |
Nick | Poovuttikul | Leiden University |
Niels | Obers | Niels Bohr Institute |
Niklas | Beisert | ETH Zürich |
Nikolaos | Kaplis | Lorentz Institute |
Nina | Miekley | Max Planck Institute for Physics |
pallab | basu | International Center for Theoretical Studies (ICTS-TIFR) |
Peter | Orland | Baruch College of the City University of New York |
Phillip | Szepietowski | Utrecht University |
Pia | Kohring | NIels Bohr Institute |
Robert | Myers | Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Roberto | Oliveri | Université libre de Bruxelles |
Romuald | Janik | Jagiellonian University |
Ruth | Gregory | Durham |
Saso | Grozdanov | Leiden University |
Shunji | Matsuura | NBI |
Silvia | Penati | University Milano-Bicocca |
Sofie | Janas | NIels Bohr Institute |
Thorbjørn | Louring Koch | NBI |
Till | Bargheer | DESY Hamburg |
Timo | Alho | University of Iceland |
Tobias | Zingg | Helsinki Institute of Physics |
Tom | Griffin | Imperial College London |
Troels | Harmark | Niels Bohr Institute |
Valentina | Giangreco Puletti | University of Iceland |
Watse | Sybesma | Utrecht University |
William | Clemens | University of Southampton |
William | Woodhead | University of Southampton |
Yago | Bea Besada | University of Santiago de Compostela |
Yang | Zhou | Tel Aviv University |
Yegor | Korovin | Max Planck Institute for gravitational physics (Albert Einsteing Institute) |
Yidian | Chen | Institute of High Energy Physics,CAS |
Yolanda | Lozano | University of Oviedo |
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