Current Themes in Holography: Exact results, applications, extensions and fundamentals

Niels Bohr Insitute

Niels Bohr Insitute

Copenhagen University

This workshop aims at bringing together leading experts and young researchers in a broad array of topics relevant to holography. The subjects will include
  • holography and exact results in supersymmetric field theories
  • applications of the gauge/gravity correpsondence to strongly coupled field theories
  • extensions of the AdS/CFT correspondence
  • fundamental insights into quantum gravity and black hole physics
This workshop hopes to create a productive and constructive setting for interaction and discussions between researchers working in the field of holography.

(Note: pdf files of the talks are accessible from the menu item "Timetable" by clicking the icon to the right of the speaker names)

Speakers include
  • Benjamin Basso
  • Niklas Beisert
  • Matteo Bertolini
  • Francesco Bigazzi
  • Agnese Bissi
  • Frederic Brünner
  • Alejandra Castro
  • Geoffrey Compère
  • Miguel Costa
  • Jan de Boer
  • Johanna Erdmenger
  • Nick Evans
  • Jerome Gauntlett
  • Blaise Goutéraux
  • Daniel Grumiller
  • Jelle Hartong
  • Carlos Hoyos
  • Romuald Janik
  • Kristan Jensen
  • Keun-Young Kim
  • Robert Myers
  • Carlos Nunez
  • Silvia Penati
  • Gordon Semenoff
  • Brian Swingle
  • Marika Taylor
  • Larus Thorlacius
  • Mark van Raamsdonk
  • Moshe Rozali
  • Koenraad Schalm
  • Konstantin Zarembo
  • Alberto Zaffaroni
This is the concluding workshop of the ESF network Holograv. The deadline for registration is February 29. There is no conference fee.

Organizing committee

  • Cindy Keeler
  • Charlotte Kristjansen
  • Troels Harmark
  • Marius de Leeuw
  • Niels Obers
Advisory committee
  • Alejandra Castro
  • Johanna Erdmenger
  • Nick Evans
  • Gordon Semenoff
  • Larus Thorlacius
  • Konstantin Zarembo


The Conference will be held at Auditorium A1-01.01 in the Faculty of Life Sciences of Copenhagen University, Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg C, see map.


This conference is co-organized by the ESF network Holograv, The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science and by Cost action MP1210 The String Theory Universe.


Contact email: holograv2016 AT
  • Agnese Bissi
  • alberto zaffaroni
  • Alejandra Castro
  • Alex Blatov
  • Alfonso Ramallo
  • Andrea Amoretti
  • Andrey Bagrov
  • Antón Faedo
  • Asger Ipsen
  • Behnoush Khavari
  • Benedict Fraser
  • Benjamin Basso
  • Bjarke Todbjerg Niels
  • Blaise Goutéraux
  • Brian Swingle
  • Carla Rodriguez
  • Carlos Hoyos
  • Carlos Nunez
  • Chao Wu
  • Charlotte Kristjansen
  • Christiana Pantelidou
  • Cynthia Keeler
  • Daniel Elander
  • Daniel Grumiller
  • Daniele Musso
  • David McGady
  • David Sabonis
  • Deniz Olgu Devecioglu
  • Dennis Hansen
  • Emil Bjerrum-Bohr
  • Emil Have
  • Flavio Porri
  • Francesco Bigazzi
  • Francisco Pena-Benitez
  • Frederic Brünner
  • Geoffrey Compère
  • Georgios Itsios
  • Gitte Michelsen
  • Gordon Semenoff
  • Hendrik van Zyl
  • Ioannis Papadimitriou
  • Irene Amado
  • Jakob Gath
  • Jan de Boer
  • Javier Tarrio
  • Jay Armas
  • Jelle Hartong
  • Jerome Gauntlett
  • Johanna Erdmenger
  • Jules Galusha
  • Kasper Vardinghus
  • Keun-Young Kim
  • Kevin Grosvenor
  • Koenraad Schalm
  • Konstantin Zarembo
  • Kristan Jensen
  • Larus Thorlacius
  • Mahdis Ghodrati
  • Marco Sanchioni
  • Marika Taylor
  • Marius de Leeuw
  • Mark Van Raamsdonk
  • Marta Orselli
  • Matteo Bertolini
  • Matthias Wilhelm
  • Matti Järvinen
  • Mehdi Sadeghi
  • Miguel Costa
  • Miguel Zilhao
  • Moshe Rozali
  • Natasha Khattak
  • Nick Evans
  • Nick Poovuttikul
  • Niels Obers
  • Niklas Beisert
  • Nikolaos Kaplis
  • Nina Miekley
  • pallab basu
  • Peter Orland
  • Phillip Szepietowski
  • Pia Kohring
  • Robert Myers
  • Roberto Oliveri
  • Romuald Janik
  • Ruth Gregory
  • Saso Grozdanov
  • Shunji Matsuura
  • Silvia Penati
  • Sofie Janas
  • Thorbjørn Louring Koch
  • Till Bargheer
  • Timo Alho
  • Tobias Zingg
  • Tom Griffin
  • Troels Harmark
  • Valentina Giangreco Puletti
  • Watse Sybesma
  • William Clemens
  • William Woodhead
  • Yago Bea Besada
  • Yang Zhou
  • Yegor Korovin
  • Yidian Chen
  • Yolanda Lozano
    • Registration
    • Opening
    • 1
      DC Conductivity in Holography and Stokes Equations
      Speaker: J. Gauntlett
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • 2
      BMS holography
      Speaker: G. COMPÈRE
    • 3
      Measuring Quantum Information Scrambling
      Speaker: B. SWINGLE
    • 12:30
      Lunch break (Sandwiches)
    • 4
      Aspects of Gauge-Strings duality
      Speaker: C. NUNEZ
    • 5
      A goldstino at the bottom of the cascade
      Speaker: M. Bertolini
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • 6
      Soft Pomeron on holographic QCD
      Speaker: M. COSTA
    • 7
      Particle Production at Strong Coupling
      Speaker: M. ROZALI
    • 8
      Large N limits and chaos in quantum mechanics and AdS2
      Speaker: K. JENSEN
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • 9
      Gravitational constraints from entanglement inequalities
      Speaker: M. van Raamsdonk
    • 10
      Entanglement Holography
      Speaker: R. MYERS
    • 12:30
      Lunch break
    • 11
      Warped conformal field theories
      Speaker: A. CASTRO
    • 12
      Non-relativistic Hydrodynamics and Lifshitz Black Branes
      Speaker: J. HARTONG
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • 13
      Neutron stars and speed limits in AdS/CFT
      Speaker: C. Hoyos
    • 14
      Magnetic impurities and universality in AdS/CMT
      Speaker: J. Erdmenger
    • Reception
    • 15
      Theta Dependence in Holographic QCD
      Speaker: F. Bigazzi
    • 16
      String interactions and integrability
      Speaker: R. Janik
    • 11:15
      Coffee break
    • 17
      Glueball Decay in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto Model
      Speaker: F. BRÜNNER
    • 18
      Holographic Nambu Jona-Lasinio Interactions
      Speaker: N. EVANS
    • 19
      Rindler holography
      Speaker: D. GRUMILLER
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • 20
      Entanglement Entropy and the F theorem
      Speaker: M. Taylor
    • 21
      Speaker: J. de Boer
    • 12:30
      Lunch break (Sandwiches)
    • 22
      Holographic metals do not Anderson localize
      Speaker: K. Schalm
    • 23
      Hydrodynamic theory of quantum-fluctuating superconductivity
      Speaker: B. GoutÉraux
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • 24
      Homes' law in holographic superconductors
      Speaker: K.-Y. KIM
    • 25
      A holographic model for black hole complementarity
      Speaker: L. Thorlacius
    • 26
      Yangian Symmetry of Planar N=4 SYM
      Speaker: N. Beisert
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • 27
      Analytic bootstrap for higher spin operators
      Speaker: A. Bissi
    • 28
      AdS4 black holes and 3d gauge theories
      Speaker: A. Zaffaroni
    • 12:30
      Lunch break (Sandwiches)
    • 29
      N=2* Holography and Localization
      Speaker: K. Zarembo
    • 30
      Hexagons and Three-Point Functions
      Speaker: B. Basso
    • 15:30
      Coffee break
    • 31
      Wilson loops in ABJ(M): from localization to Bremsstrahlung function through framing
      Speaker: S. Penati
    • 32
      Quantum Hallography
      Speaker: G. Semenoff