Angelos Nersesian
(IAASARS, National Observatory Of Athens & Ghent University)
We have updated the SED fitting code "CIGALE" so that it includes dust properties based on the "THEMIS" model (Jones et al. 2017, A&A, 602, 46). We use this tool to fit the SED of 875 nearby galaxies with available photometry from the FUV to the sub-millimeter wavelengths. For this sample of galaxies (the "DustPedia" galaxies – Davies et al. 2017, PASP, 129, 4102) we are able to derive global properties like stellar and dust mass, star-formation rate and dust extinction and we compare our results with widely used recipes found in the literature. Furthermore we examine how the unattenuated luminosity of the young and old stellar populations correlate with basic properties of the galaxies of different morphological types.
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Primary author
Angelos Nersesian
(IAASARS, National Observatory Of Athens & Ghent University)