Jun 11 – 15, 2018
Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Ethics and anti-harassment statement

The CPHDUST2018 conference is a place for the open exchange of ideas related principally to cosmic dust, and for the creation of new and strengthening of existing professional connections and collaborations. Harassment, abuse of position or power, or inappropriate behaviour has no place at the conference.

On 23 January 2018, the European Astronomical Society Council adopted the EAS Ethics Statement and Guidelines for Good Practice. These will apply during the conference. Participants are urged to read the document and follow its recommendations.


Gender Statistics for the Conference
Set Male Female Total %female
SOC 7 5 12 42
LOC 7 2 9 22
Chairs 9 6 15 40
– Review 6 5 11 45
– Invited 6 5 11 45
– Contributed 12 9 21 43
Conference 86 45 131 34