11–15 Jun 2018
Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Investigating the interstellar dust through the Fe K-edge

13 Jun 2018, 14:25
Main Auditorium (Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen)

Main Auditorium

Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen

Øster Voldgade 5 - 7, 1350 København K, Denmark
Board: 132
Poster What is dust? Poster Presentations


Daniele Rogantini (SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research)


The absorption fine structures, imprinted by the interaction between X-rays and solid particles, can reveal the composition, the size, and the structure of cosmic dust (Costantini et al. 2012). The iron K-edge is particularly important because it is well visible in the X-ray band providing a large extinction especially for lines of sight with N$_{\rm{H}} > 10^{23} \rm{cm}^{-2}$ (A$_{\rm{V}}> 45$). We model the iron edge using the newly acquired synchrotron data, performed on a set of cosmic dust analogues (Rogantini et al. 2018). Here we highlight the potential of the iron K-edge to: 1) study the chemical properties of iron bearing grains; 2) investigate the size, the crystallinity, and the composition of cosmic silicates in dense clouds of our Galaxy. The synergy between high resolution X-ray instruments and accurate synchrotron measurements provides a unique method to look through molecular clouds in the Galactic Centre and to understand the role of iron in the grain growth process in the interstellar matter.

Consider for a poster? Yes

Primary author

Daniele Rogantini (SRON - Netherlands Institute for Space Research)


Elisa Costantini (SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research) Sascha Zeegers (SRON) Dr Cor de Vries (SRON) Ioanna Psaradaki (SRON, Netherlands Institute for Space Research) Rens Waters (SRON)

Presentation materials