Jun 10 – 14, 2019
Europe/Athens timezone

Fees, cancellation policy, and financial support

A registration will be considered complete (and the registrant added to the participant list) only following the payment of the registration fee. The payment of the fees can be made by  going to "Fee Payment Portal" in the menu. 

The payment for each of the tickets given below can be made separately (registration, dinner, accompanying persons excursion, accompanying person dinner, ect). You will receive a confirmation for each separate payment. We encourage you however to make all in a single payment.

Registration fee

  • The early registration fee to be paid before 31 March 2019 is 325 Euros
  • The late registration fee paid after 1 April 2019 is 400 Euros

the registration fee includes access to the conference hall, welcome reception, coffee breaks, roundtrip transport from Corinth-Nafplio, the conference excursion,  and the welcome package.

Conference Dinner - the participation to the conference dinner is optional. The price is 50 Euros. This includes a choice of a regular and a vegetarian option. You can notify us in the registration form about other dietary restrictions.

If you intend to attend the dinner, we encourage you to pay for the conference dinner at the same time of the registration as this makes the life of the organizers much easier. You can however pay for the dinner separately until May 15, 2019.

Accompanying persons - your spouse/partner/children are also welcome to attend the conference dinner and the conference excursion.

For the dinner, the costs for the accompanying persons are the following:

  • 0 if < 4 years
  • 15 Euros if > 4 and  < 11 years
  • 50 Euros if > 11 years. 

For the excursion, the costs for the accompanying persons are:

  •  0  Euros if  <  5 years
  • 30 Euros  if  >  5 and < 13 years
  • 60 Euros  if > 13 years 

The age limits apply on the day of the excursion (12 June 2018). Please add up any of these costs when paying the registration fee. 

Cancellation policy  

  • Cancellations before 31 March 2019 are entitled to 50% refund (minus any bank transfer fees, if applicable).
  • Cancellations after 31 March 2019 are entitled to no refund. 
  • The only exception to the above is if a visa has been denied by the authorities, in which case we will refund the entire amount of the paid fees (minus any bank transfer fees). 

Financial Support (Applying for financial support is now closed)

We expect to have a very limited amount of financial support available to the participants. Preference will be given to young scientists that are selected for an oral contribution and particularly those coming from an economically less privileged background.