6–10 Jun 2022
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

The Multi3D extension for DISPATCH: A task based approach to NLTE radiative transfer

6 Jun 2022, 14:00
Talk Stellar Atmospheres Stellar atmospheres


Richard Hoppe (MPIA Heidelberg)


With next-generation astronomical facilities like WEAVE, 4MOST, and SDSS-V large datasets of high-quality stellar spectra will become available soon. The need for cutting edge 3D non-LTE radiative transfer codes is clear, but the demand for easy-to-use spectrum synthesis tools is even greater. We aim to provide both by supplying a non-LTE RT module based on the Multi3D code to the recently published DISPATCH framework. The strong scaling capabilities of the DISPATCH framework as well as its already implemented magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) solvers promise to produce time-dependent non-LTE spectra if combined with Multi3D.

Primary authors

Richard Hoppe (MPIA Heidelberg) Aake Nordlund (NBI) Maria Bergemann (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy) Philipp Eitner (MPIA Heidelberg)

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