6–10 Jun 2022
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


Registration will take place on Monday June 6th between 13:00 and 13:30 in Auditorium C in Blegdamsvej 17.

Monday June 6th

      In Person/Online
Stellar Atmospheres        
Welcome 13:45 14:00 Maria Bergemann and Martin Pessah P
Contributed 14.00 14.20 Richard Hoppe (MPIA, Heidelberg) P
Contributed 14.20 14.40 Jorrit Leenaarts (Stockholm University) P
Coffee Break 14.40 15.30    
Invited 15.30 16.00 Ekaterina Magg (MPIA, Heidelberg) P
Contributed 16.00 16.20 Cis Lagae (Stockholm University) P
Contributed 16.20 16.40 Arief Ahmad (Uppsala University) P

Tuesday June 7th

Exoplanet Atmospheres      
Invited 09.00 09.30 Kevin Heng (University of Bern, LMU Munich) O
Contributed 09.30 09.50 Antonija Oklopcic (University of Amsterdam) P
Contributed 09.50 10.10 Mitchell Young (University of Oxford) O
Coffee Break 10.10 11.00    
Invited 11.00 11.30 Dominic Samra (Space Research Institute IWF, Graz) P
Contributed 11.30 11.50 Gloria Canocchi (Stockholm University) P
Contributed 11.50 12.10 Maria Teresa Belmonte (University of Valladolid) P
Lunch 12.10 13.30    
Protoplanetary Disks        
Invited 13.30 14.00 Inga Kamp (University of Groningen) P
Contributed 14.00 14.20 Gabriel-Dominique Marleau (Universität Tübingen) P
Contributed 14.20 14.40 Jeremy Perdigon (Université Nice Côte d'Azur) P
Coffee Break 14.40 15.30    
Contributed 15.30 15.50 Lars Kristensen (NBI) P
Contributed 15.50 16.10 Yao-Lun Yang (RIKEN / University of Virginia) O
Contributed 16.10 16.30 Leonardo Krapp (University of Arizona) O

Wednesday June 8th

Interstellar Medium        
Invited 09.00 09.30 Mika Juvela (University of Helsinki) P
Contributed 09.30 09.50 Miora Andriantsaralaza (Uppsala University) P
Contributed 09.50 10.10 Benjamin Wibking (Australian National University) O
Coffee Break 10.10 11.00    
Invited 11.00 11.30 Floris van der Tak (SRON / U Groningen) O
Contributed 11.30 11.50 Shyam Menon (Australian National University) P
Lunch 12:00 13:30    
Stellar Atmospheres        
Invited 13.30 14:00 Mats Carlsson (University of Oslo) P
Contributed 14:00 14:20 Jack Mallinson (Stockholm University) P
Contributed 14.20 14.40 Tatyana Sitnova (INASAN) O

Thursday June 9th

Accretion Disks & Supernovae      
Invited 09.00 09.30 Shane Davis (University of Virginia) P
Invited 09.30 10.00 Monika Moscibrodzka (Radboud University) O
Contributed 10.00 10.20 Swayamtrupta Panda (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) O
Coffee Break 10.20 11.00    
Contributed 11.00 11.20 Quentin Pognan (Stockholm University) P
Contributed 11.20 11.40 Shay Heizler (The Hebrew University, Jerusalem) P
Invited 11.40 12.10 Abigail Polin (Carnegie Observatories & Caltech) P
Lunch 12.10 13.30    
Tidal Disruption Events        
Contributed 13.30 13.50 Jane Dai (The University of Hong Kong) P
Contributed 13.50 14.10 John Zanazzi (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics) P
Contributed 14.10 14.30 Elad Steinberg (The Hebrew University, Jerusalem) P
Coffee Break 14.30 15.30    
Contributed 15.30 15.50 Clément Bonnerot (Niels Bohr Institute) P
Contributed 15.50 16.10 Kimitake Hayasaki (Chungbuk National University) O
Invited 16.10 16.40 Nathaniel Roth (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) O

Friday June 10th

Invited 09.00 09.30 John Hillier (University of Pittsburgh) P
Contributed 09.30 09.50 Ken Shen (UC Berkeley) O
Contributed 09.50 10.10 Mao Ogawa (Kyoto University) O
Coffee Break 10.10 11.00    
Invited 11.00 11.30 Kenta Hotokezaka (University of Tokyo) P
Contributed 11.30 11.50 Andreas Flörs (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research) P
Contributed 11.50 12.10 Christine Collins (GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research) O
Lunch 12.10 13.30    
Workshop ends