Jul 11 – 15, 2022
Niels Bohr Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Zoom room: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/61850277164?pwd=bW9yN3ltTkFXOXRacjNBSUYvWHZYZz09

Participant research interests

Abigail Alexander (she/her/her)

University College London
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am a third year HEP PhD student at UCL, working on the LEGEND experiment; a Germanium-76 based neutrinoless double beta decay experiment. My current research topics are the "characterisation of germanium detectors for LEGEND-200" and, more recently, "germanium detector R&D". I also currently live in Gran Sasso, Italy in order to assist with the installation and commissioning of LEGEND-200 at LNGS. This is part of UCL's "Long term attachment" program for HEP PhD students. A few more details on my detector characterisation work: I have been involved in the experimental characterisation efforts of LEGEND at the HADES underground laboratory. By comparing the data obtained from this test stand with MC simulations I have made, I am inferring the so-called "Active Volume" of the Germanium detectors in LEGEND-200. The active volume determination is a crucial characterisation task required for neutrinoless double beta decay analyses directly affecting the measured half-life sensitivity.
Talk: Yes

Achilleas Patsias

University of Bonn
MSc student, In person
Research interests: My master thesis is about to start in May, and is focused on a research for CP-violation evidence with the detection of atmospheric neutrinos, in the context of the JUNO experiment in China. The goal of the thesis is a basic design of an analysis of CP-violation with atmospheric neutrinos in order to determine the required level of neutrino - antineutrino separation for the detection of CP-violation.
Talk: No

Ajay Sharma (he/him/his)

S.N. Bose National Centre For Basic Sciences
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Currently I am working on very high energy gamma ray astronomy. I am studying AGN, GRB, these are well-known candidates for high energy emission. One of the major part of my study is multi wavelength analysis of the sources. By detecting neutrinos at very high energy (few TeV to EeV) from astrophysical sources , gives us valuable information about hadronic emission from the sources, means that source is producing non-thermal radiation not only by leptonic process. Neutrino astronomy opens a new window for talking about something very exciting , weakly interacting neutral particles also known as cosmic messenger.
Talk: No

Alberto Amin Souissi Ayuso

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - UNED
MSc student, Online
Research interests: MSc student in Theoretical Physics. My intention is to join a PhD in Particle Physics in 2023.
Talk: No

Alexander Reeves (he/him/his)

PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am a PhD student in Alexandre Refregier's cosmology group at ETHZ. I am currently working on a project where we are trying to measure the neutrino mass by studying a combination of different cosmological datasets hence it is essential to understand the impacts on neutrinos on cosmological evolution.
Talk: Yes

Alexandra Wernersson

University of Amsterdam
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Current work is about ultralight bosons (dark matter) around black holes with numerical relativity. Soon to start working on neutrinos related to neutron star mergers and/or dark matter searches.
Talk: Yes

Aman Gupta

Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP)
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Currently, I am involved in non-standard neutrino interactions in long-baseline neutrino experiments. I am also trying to look for the possible connections between dark matter and neutrinos.
Talk: No

Amit Pathak (he/him/his)

IHEPCAS, Beijing, China
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Invisible decays of omega mesons
Talk: No

Amit Singh (he/him/his)

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc student, Online
Research interests: High-energy neutrino emission in supernovae and gamma-ray bursts.
Talk: No

Andres Lopez Moreno (he/him/his)

King's College London
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I work on exploring the role and implementing alternate parameterisations of the PMNS matrix in T2K's oscillation analysis. Last year I focused on addressing the sampling bias induced by choosing "uniform" priors on the PMNS parameters for different parameterisations; now I am progressing towards implementing parameterisations that do not assume unitarity into the analysis and exploring how to directly probe exotics in the T2K oscillation analysis machinery.
Talk: Yes

Anil Kumar Pradhan (he/him/his)

Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
PhD student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Anirudh Bhatnagar

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc student, In person
Research interests: I am interested in the neutrino oscillations and the information it provides about its source. I'm also looking into right handed neutrinos and its detection through HNLs.
Talk: No

Antoni Bertólez Martínez (he/him/his)

Institute of Cosmic Sciences, Universitat de Barcelona
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Neutrino phenomenology in particle physics, cosmology and astrophysics. Currently interested on sterile neutrino wave packet decoherence and long-range interactions in cosmological neutrinos.
Talk: Yes

Arindam Mandal (he/him/his)

Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino oscillations.
Talk: No

Arnab Sarker

Tezpur University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino Phenomenology, BSM.
Talk: No

Ashish Narang (he/him/his)

Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar
Postdoc, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Bahaa Ilyas

Technical University of Munich (TUM)
PhD student, Online
Research interests: - Research Project 1: Electroweak Baryogenesis (Why there are three CPV sources during a phase transition) - Research Project 2: Diffusion Constants During an Electroweak Phase Transition (EWPT) - Research Project 3: LPM -Effect/ Scattering. - Research Project 4: Instantons and Aspects of False Vacuum Decay.
Talk: No

Aysu Arat (she/her/her)

Istanbul Technical University
BSc student, In person
Research interests: I am a BSc student in Physics Engineering from Istanbul Technical University. I have been working as an undergraduate researcher with one of my professors here in ITU on the topic of FRBs so far, especially in pulsars. Yet, I would like to learn more about astroparticles and neutrinos during my time in school and at the Institute.
Talk: No

Beatrice Jelmini (they/them/their)

Università degli Studi di Padova & INFN Padova    
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am part of the JUNO collaboration. The JUNO experiment, under construction in China, aims at determining the neutrino mass ordering and measuring three oscillation parameters with unprecedented sub-percent precision by detecting electron antineutrinos from nuclear reactors. I am currently involved in three main tasks: testing and characterization of the underwater electronics for the Large-PMT system; the study of the detector response through MC simulation of calibration sources; the study of the unoscillated reactor spectrum that will be used as a reference model for the analysis of the oscillated reactor antineutrino spectrum, with special care on the uncertainty treatment.
Talk: Yes

Bernanda Telalovic (she/her/her)

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
PhD student, In person
Research interests: High-energy cosmic neutrino physics
Talk: No

Bhanu Pant

Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
PhD student, In person
Research interests: My research work encompasses the study of diffuse gamma-rays and neutrinos as their counterpart for galactic and extragalactic sources. Recently, in collaboration with the GRAPES-3 experiment, I've calculated the upper limits on the isotropic diffuse gamma-ray flux between 10-300 TeV.
Talk: Yes

Bhavna Yadav (she/her/her)

Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino physics.
Talk: No

Bikash Thapa (he/him/his)

Tezpur University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino Physics, Flavour Symmetric Neutrino mass models, Baryogenesis
Talk: No

Caterina Boscolo Meneguolo (she/her/her)

University of Padova and INFN
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Multimessenger astronomy at IceCube Neutrino Observatory
Talk: No

Chinonso Onah (he/him/his)

LMU Munich
MSc Student, Online
Research interests: I study Neutrino Mass from soft topological defects in Gravity and grand unified theories. These topological defets are low in the sense that the topologial constraints impose low energy conditions despite high energy scales typically involved in theories of gravity and Grand Unification
Talk: No

Cristhian Calderon (he/him/his)

JGU Mainz
MSc Student, In person
Research interests: My research interest lies in the connection between neutrinos and dark matter. Also, I am interested in the models that try to explain the shortcomings of the standard model such as: dark matter, neutrinos, baryon asymmetry, strong cp problem, etc
Talk: No

Dharitree Bezboruah (she/her/her)

Tezpur University
MSc student, Online
Research interests: I am doing a project on 'Exploring non standard effects in Long Baseline Neutrino Experiments'. In this project we are exploring the effects of Dark Non Standard Interactions, scalar Non Standard Interactions and Lorentz Invariance Violation in probability level taking Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) as a case study. We are also studying the CP violation sensitivity of DUNE in presence of these Non Standard effects. I am also engaged in doing a detailed calculation of the oscillations probability in presence of scalar NSI.
Talk: No

Divya Shaji (she/her/her)

University of Madras
MSc student, Online
Research interests: I am currently a master's in physics graduate and I hope to pursue research in higher energy physics. I hope this will be an apt platform to hear from the experts.
Talk: No

Diyaselis Delgado (she/her/her)

Harvard University
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Dark matter neutrino interactions (annihilation, decay, scattering)
Talk: Yes

Edward Wang (he/him/his)

Technische Universität München (TUM)
PhD student, In person
Research interests: My current work consists of exploring leptogenesis mechanisms and applying them to neutrino mass models.
Talk: Yes

Elena Manao (she/her/her)

University of Padova
MSc student, In person
Research interests: Identifying the sources of the astrophysical flux of high-energy neutrinos is to date a challenge. Several astrophysical scenarios are considered good as candidate neutrino emitters and a good fraction of them suggest that neutrino signals shall likely be variable in time. The IceCube Neutrino Observatory features the capability to observe the entire sky with a full duty cycle. This opportunity enables to continuously search for transient neutrino emissions and alert the astrophysical community with the lowest possible latency in case of detection of potential astrophysical neutrinos. To ensure a good efficiency in collecting possible neutrino flares, alerts are distributed to the astrophysical follow-up community with a relatively low threshold on the significance. As a consequence, the majority of alerts are expected to be due to statistical fluctuations of the background. My work focuses on the development of a follow-up analysis of real-time IceCube alerts to single out a possible sample of astrophysical pure alerts. The main challenge is represented by mitigating the consequent loss in signal collection efficiency.
Talk: No

Emily Gunger (she/her/her)

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
BSc student, In person
Research interests: Hi, I am an undergraduate studying Astronomy and Astrophysics at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, FL. I am very interested in Neutrino Physics. I realize I do not quite qualify for this, but I would love to learn all that I can about neutrinos. I have participated in a neutrino workshop under Dr. Mark Anthony Reynolds. Since then, I have completed a 10-week Neutrino Astrophysics REU at the University of Wisconsin River Falls (UWRF) under Dr. Suruj Seunarine, where I investigated neutrino oscillations and time dependent matter densities. Additionally, I demonstrated the validity of using exact methods for neutrino oscillations and time dependent matter potentials. I was able to attend IceCube’s Neutrino Astrophysics Bootcamp which involved all aspects of neutrino astrophysics, data analysis, and theory. Furthermore, I presented a poster presentation at Embry-Riddle’s Research Symposium: “The Sun and Neutrino Physics”. I spent time researching studies regarding the origin of neutrinos and brainstormed ways to track which neutrinos come from the Sun and which could come from Supernovae. Recently, I joint-presented “Exact Methods of Neutrino Oscillations”, research from the past REU, at UWRF’s Fall Research Gala. Any information you would be willing to share with a passionate undergraduate, would be greatly appreciated.
Talk: No

Ensieh Khalili Dermani (she/her/her)

Khajeh Nasir University of Technology
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Graphene and 2D materials
Talk: No

Eslam Zenhom (he/him/his)

University of Florida
MSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Fabian Zimmer (he/him/his)

University of Amsterdam, GRAPPA
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am investigating branches of neutrino physics, which are tied to the cosmic neutrino background (CNB). These currently include neutrino clustering due to the non-relativistic nature of relic neutrinos, neutrino decay due to non-standard interactions, and exploring the impact of said scenarios on future experiments aimed at detecting the CNB, specifically PTOLEMY.
Talk: No

Farhanda Zaidi (she/her/her)

Aligarh Muslim University
Postdoc, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Farnaz Kazi (she/her/her)

Techno International New Town
BSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Felipe Ignacio Villazon Solar (he/him/his)

JGU Mainz
MSc student, In person
Research interests: High Energy Physics, Neutrino Physics, Early Universe Cosmology, Dark Matter
Talk: No

Francesco Orlandi (he/him/his)

University of Turin
MSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Gianfranco Ingratta (he/him/his)

INFN Bologna
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Simulations of neutrino interactions in the SAND detector for the DUNE experiment to study the full capability of SAND in monitoring the DUNE flux and investigating its sensitivity to BSM physics.
Talk: No

Hanno Jacobs (he/him/his)

PhD student, In person
Research interests: Nonlinear particle propagation around Pulsars and the explanation of the TeV gamma ray halos. High and low energy cosmic ray transport around supernova remnants. The ionization puzzle in diffuse molecular clouds.
Talk: Yes

Hasung Song (he/him/his)

Boston University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: 3rd year PhD Student working on the KamLAND-Zen 800 experiment. We search for neutrinoless double beta decay in Xenon-136 nuclei to determine the Majorana/Dirac nature of the neutrino. I work on machine learning analysis and reconstruction techniques. I also work on developing electronics and FPGA firmware for the KamLAND2 upgrade.
Talk: No

Helena Garcia Escudero

University of California, Irvine
PhD student, Online
Research interests: My research focuses on how dark energy and neutrino physics may alleviate cosmological tensions such as the Hubble or sigma 8 tension. Moreover I am also working on a project that studies the nature of sterile neutrinos.
Talk: No

Hyeonja Jhang

Konkuk University
Research scientist, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Ibrahim Mirza (he/him/his)

University of Tennessee
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrinoless double beta decay at LEGEND Experiment.
Talk: No

Irene Cagnoli (she/her/her)

PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am a first year PhD student at Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI). I am currently attending to courses in Astroparticle Physics which mainly concern underground rare event searches, high energy cosmic ray physics, multimessenger astrophysics and neutrino physics. During my master thesis I worked on simulations of neutrino interactions to study the capabilities of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the SAND detector (of the DUNE experiment) to perform electromagnetic showers and muon track discrimination.
Talk: No

Jaafar Chakrani (he/him/his)

Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet (LLR)
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I currently work on the upgrade of the T2K near detector. My focus is on the development of the neutrino interaction model and the corresponding systematic uncertainties that would be suitable for the oscillation analysis with the increased statistics and the new observables that we expect with the upcoming upgrade. I also work on testing the front-end electronics for the Super-FGD and preparing its calibration strategy.
Talk: No

Jack Franklin (he/him/his)

Durham University
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I have only just started my PhD, and have yet to settle on any specific research topics. My interests include neutrino pheno, early universe cosmology (and neutrino effects in this area), among others.
Talk: No

Janik Prottung (he/him/his)

Technical University Munich
MSc student, In person
Research interests: I am writing my master thesis in Experimental Physics with Cosmic Particles with Prof. Elisa Resconi at the TU Munich. The thesis topic is: Machine-learning aided detector optimization and trigger algorithms for P-ONE. P-ONE (Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment) is a planned cubic-kilometre scale cosmic neutrino detector located in the Pacific Ocean close to Vancouver Island. The experiment will benefit from the existing deep-sea infrastructure provided by Ocean Networks Canada. In preparation for the deployment, the design of the detector has to be optimized. We simulate multiple detector architectures and use a machine learning optimization pipeline to determine the effects on detector resolution, effective area and other performance indicators. My specialization is developing the model responsible for triggering the successive aggregation, reconstruction and analysis. The trigger is necessary as hardware and site constraints prohibit storing all data. As well, of the 3kHz event rate, only a couple of events are relevant cosmic neutrinos. The rest is composed of atmospheric events or background signals. We are currently investigating the use of neural network-based classification as a replacement for conventional trigger algorithms. Due to power constraints, we are also investigating deploying these neural networks on FPGA (field-programmable gate arrays) instead of using conventional computers with GPUs. At the time of summer school, I will already be heading to the end of my thesis and would be happy to share my time, knowledge, and findings and broaden my horizon with the program's inputs and other participants. I appreciate your consideration.
Talk: No

Jianli Zhang

Faculty, Online
Research interests: High energy cosmic rays and neutrino, radio detection CRs
Talk: No

Jiaxiang Wang

Yale University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Jinyoung Kim (she/her/her)

Chung-Ang University
MSc student, In person
Research interests: Dark Matter (WIMP)
Talk: No

Johann Ioannou-Nikolaides (he/him/his)

MSc student, In person
Research interests: I am a master student in the theoretical particle physics group of Alejandro Ibarrra at TUM. The topic of my master thesis is axion like Dark Matter and more generally ultra light dark matter candidates and possible connections to neutrino physics. I am interested in long range interactions of neutrinos and the short baseline anomalies.
Talk: No

Jonathan Bödewadt (he/him/his)

University of Hamburg
MSc student, In person
Research interests: I am currently doing my master project about sterile neutrinos in the early universe. The focus is on modelling the oscillation behaviour for two active and one sterile species.
Talk: No

Jondalar Kuss (he/him/his)

Bielefeld University
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am a PhD Student at Bielefeld University, supervised by Prof. Dietrich Bödeker since January 2022. I am also member of the collaborative research center 'Strong-interaction matter under extreme conditions' in the project B07 'Strong-interaction matter in the early Universe'. The focus of my thesis with the working title 'Dark matter from the QCD-epoch' will be on sterile neutrinos as dark matter candidates. Currently, I am working on keV-scale right-handed neutrinos created via mixing with active neutrino species during the QCD phase transition. I am also planing to study further models and production mechanisms.
Talk: No

Juan Manuel Cano Vila (he/him/his)

LMU München / TUM München
MSc student, In person
Research interests: I have interests in Neutrino and Dark Matter physics from a theoretical and phenomenological point of view. Currently I am in process to set my topic for my master thesis, which will be related to one of those fields.
Talk: No

Julia Book

Harvard University
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Development of new event selection and reconstruction algorithms for sterile neutrino searches in IceCube, using both traditional and ML techniques.
Talk: Yes

Katharine Dixon (she/her/her)

King's College London
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Neutrinoless double beta decay at the SNOplus experiment
Talk: No

Kathrine Mørch Groth

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Deciphering cosmic neutrinos with multi-messenger astronomy
Talk: No

Kaustav Dutta (he/him/his)

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
MSc student, In person
Research interests: I am currently working with the IceCube Collaboration on optimization of prototype geometry of the Wavelength-shifting Optical Module (WOM), a novel photosensor concept for the instrumentation of large detector volumes with single-photon sensitivity. The WOM consists of a cylindrical tube coated with wavelength shifting paint, which guides photons to a photomultiplier tube (PMT) attached at each end. Light striking the surface of the tube is absorbed, shifted towards longer wavelengths and guided to the PMT by total internal reflection within the walls of the tube. Installation of the WOMs in IceCube-Gen2 will lead to an improved detection efficiency which will allow us to probe into lower energy scales and distinguish between different neutrino event topologies.
Talk: No

Labh Singh (he/him/his)

Central University of Himachal Pradesh
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino phenomenology
Talk: No

Manuel Goimil (he/him/his)

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc student, In person
Research interests: Particle Astrophysics. Production of high-energy neutrinos in tidal disruption events (TDEs)
Talk: No

Mar Ciscar (she/her/her)

PhD student, In person
Research interests: Dark Matter, Baryogenesis, Neutrino masses and cosmology.
Talk: No

Marco Hofmann

Technische Universität Darmstadt
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I study color superconducting effects in compact stars under merger conditions. The connection to the topic of the workshop is the impact of colorsuperconducting phases on neutrino transport properties (neutrino mean free paths, neutrino emissivities).
Talk: No

María José Fernández Lozano

Universidad de Valencia
BSc student, Online
Research interests: Vector-like quarks
Talk: No

Marie Cornelius

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc student, In person
Research interests: The topic of my Master's thesis is searching for dark matter axions with high-energy astrophysical neutrinos
Talk: No

Marouane Benhassi (he/him/his)

Cadi Ayyad University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I am working on neutrino oscillations with ORCA detector (KM3NeT experiment).
Talk: No

Masar Almuttairi

Al-Manara College for Medical Sciences
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino-nucleus interactions.
Talk: No

Matteo Lucca (he/him/his)

PhD student, Online
Research interests: In the course of my PhD I have worked on CMB physics (anisotropies and spectral distortions), the thermal history of the universe before recombination, cosmological tensions and various interacting dark matter scenarios (most notably with dark energy or neutrinos).
Talk: No

Md Alam (he/him/his)

Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Mohamed Amine Ouahid (he/him/his)

Mohammed V University
PhD student, In person
Research interests: My research interests all relate within beyond Standard Model physics, in particular, Neutrinos and Flavor Symmetries. My principal research interest is the origin of fermion masses and mixings, Beta decay, and neutrinoless double beta decay. The question of why we have three generations of each type of fundamental fermion remains unanswered. Moreover, I am very interested in studying different but interconnected domains, such as Leptogenesis, Dark Matter and Domain Walls, and LHC / collider phenomenology.
Talk: No

Mohamed Ouchemhou (he/him/his)

Laboratoire de Physique Fondamentale et Applique Safi
PhD student, Online
Research interests: My research is focused on the extra Higgs Boson beyond SM. the charged Higgs is the promising searched particle in my research.
Talk: No

Mohammad Aghaie Moghadam Ozbak

University of Pisa
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Currently, I am working on light dark matter candidates, particularly axions, and axion-like particles. I know the deadline has passed but I was hoping that I could participate in this event in person if it is possible.
Talk: No

Morten Holm

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc Student, In person
Research interests: Neutrino reconstructions using a graph neural network
Talk: No

Nishchay Vora (he/him/his)

Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
PhD Student, In person
Research interests: “Early-universe thermalization of light sterile neutrinos in non-standard scenarios” under Dr. Stefano Gariazzo: a) Understand neutrino decoupling in standard cosmology, with only three neutrinos first and then with a sterile neutrino state. b) Study extensions of the standard model where the sterile neutrino can participate in non-standard interactions. c) Numerically compute thermalization of sterile neutrinos in the early universe considering standard and non-standard scenarios.
Talk: No

Panos Stamoulis (he/him/his)

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino Oscillations, Neutrino Scattering
Talk: No

Pavel Zhelnin

Harvard University
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Working on constructing an MC for the TAMBO experiment.
Talk: No

Pavlo Plotko (he/him/his)

PhD student, In person
Research interests: My current research topics are ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and astrophysical neutrinos. I am involved in several projects that focus on the propagation of UHECRs including cosmogenic neutrinos. Alongside this, I am also working on modeling UHECR and neutrino sources focusing primarily on AGN.
Talk: No

Pedro Dedin Neto

Unicamp - University of Campinas
PhD student, In person
Research interests: My Ph.D. research is on the effects of mass hierarchy on supernova neutrinos. Currently, I am working on the flavor conversion mechanism inside the supernova and the implications of mass hierarchy on it. More precisely, I am focused on the phenomenology of neutrino collective effect due to neutrino-neutrino interactions, which is the main problem today regarding the flavor evolution of supernova neutrinos.
Talk: No

Prachiti Athalye

Fergusson College
BSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Rachel Scrandis (she/her/her)

University of Chicago
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Currently working in Abby Vieregg's group on the RF system for PUEO, although my science research interests/ background lie in astrophysical neutrinos (previously apart of IceCube) and multi-messenger astronomy (cosmic rays specifically; previously apart of ISS-CREAM).
Talk: No

Rikke Stougaard Klausen (she/her/her)

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
BSc student, In person
Research interests: Probing the IceCube Upgrade for dark matter indirect detection
Talk: No

Rupak Majumder (he/him/his)

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am a PhD student working under the guidance of Prof. Basudeb Dasgupta of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Mumbai, India. During my graduate courses I have done a reading project on flavor oscillations of supernova neutrinos. Currently I am doing my project on the imprint of cosmological phase transition on the gravitational wave background. After that we are planning to work on nucleosynthesis in neutrino driven winds. Hence this school will provide me the opportunity to learn about the frontiers of this field, which will help me gain new perspectives for my future endeavours in this field.
Talk: No

Sabila Parveen (she/her/her)

Jawaharlal Nehru University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Recently, I am working on Sterile sector impacting the correlations and degeneracies among mixing parameters at DUNE and the role of high energy beams.
Talk: No

Safae Tariq (she/her/her)

Mohammed V University
MSc student, Online
Research interests: I'm a first year master student in Mathematical Physics at Mohammed V University. I work on Number Theory and Astrophysics, and I'm so interested in Astroparticle physics in which I wanna complete my PhD in these topics. For that it's so important for me to attend this summer school.
Talk: No

Saki Fujita

Kavli IPMU
MSc student, Online
Research interests: DSNB
Talk: No    

Sam Carey

Wayne State University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Currently working on cross-section calculation using a nuclear model characterized by a depleted Fermi gas region and a correlated high-momentum tail for Charged Current Quasi-Elastic Lepton (electron/neutrino) – Nucleon scattering based on results from J-Lab/MiniBOONE, T2K experiments.
Talk: No

Samuele Torelli (he/him/his)

Gran Sasso Science Institute
PhD student, In person
Research interests: My research topic is the feasibility of a solar neutrino measurement in the context of the CYGNO experiment. The Cygno experiment is a gaseous time projection chamber, optically readout, with very high granularity. Thanks to the feature of the readout, it is possible to reconstruct the direction and energy of the recoil electron, leading to an event-per-event neutrino energy reconstruction, knowing the direction of the Sun. In addition, thanks to the low density of the gas, it is possible to study neutrinos from the pp-cycle with low background and low threshold.
Talk: No

Saurabh Kumar Shukla

Physical Research Laboratory
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Theoretical High Energy Physics
Talk: No

Sayeed Akhter (he/him/his)

Aligarh Muslim University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: My research topic is theoretical and experimental study of Neutrino Physics. I am working in MINERvA collaboration. My analysis goal is to extract the 2D Deep Inelastic scattering cross section for antineutrino in medium energy range of MINERvA experiment.
Talk: No

Shailaja Mohanty (she/her/her)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Hunt for light sterile neutrinos at the tail of B-decay spectrum with KATRIN.
Talk: No

Shefali S (she/her/her)

Institute of Astroparticle Physics, KIT
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am in the second year of my PhD in the IceCube group at the Institute of Astroparticle Physics at KIT. I am working on the series production of the scintillation detectors for the planned surface array enhancement at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. The prototype station deployed in the year 2020 by my group, which consisted of 8 scintillation detectors and 3 radio detectors, has yielded promising results, for the reconstruction of the cosmic ray air showers independent of the existing surface array, IceTop. The science goals of the enhancement also include a significant improvement in the veto capabilities of the existing array, along with lowering the energy threshold for detection. I am involved in the development, assembly and calibration of the scintillation detectors with the updated electronics, as well as analysis of the data from the current prototype station. The deployment and calibration of further stations at the south pole and analysis of the air shower data are expected to be the next steps as my work advances.
Talk: No

Silke Egholm (she/her/her)

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
BSc student, Online
Research interests: The very fundamental laws of physics (Standard Model & QM), i.e. neutrino mass, neutrino flavour oscillations, dark matter etc. I have an M.Sc (EE - quantum well semiconductors) and a PhD in optical telecommunications.
Talk: No

Spencer Axani (he/him/his)

Postdoc, Online
Research interests: Primarily hardware development along with BSM physics -- Sterile neutrino searches, neutrinoless double beta decay, and some multi-messenger physics.
Talk: No

Sulagna Bhattacharya (she/her/her)

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Theoretical Astro-particle Physics (Neutrinos , Dark Matter , Gravitational Waves)
Talk: No


Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
PhD student, In person
Research interests: High energy Blazars, Lepto-hadronic modelling of Blazars, Machine leaching techniques of high energy astronomy
Talk: Yes

Sunita Barman

Tezpur University
MSc student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino mass model, Baryogenesis
Talk: No

Supriya Pan (he/him/his)

Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedavad
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino Oscillations and BSM physics, Sterile Neutrinos
Talk: Yes

Thejus Mary S. (she/her/her)

SRM Institute of Science and Technology
PhD student, Online
Research interests: High Energy Physics- phenomenology
Talk: No

Thiru Senthil R (he/him/his)

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Working on tau neutrino events analysis for their appearance and sensitivity to the oscillation parameters at ICAL detector in India based Neutrino Observatory.
Talk: No

Tista Mukherjee (she/her/her)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Multi-messenger astrophysics with neutrinos and gravitational waves
Talk: No

Tobias Andreas Pertl (he/him/his)

Technische Universität München
PhD student, Online
Research interests: My research topic is the development and characterization of a calibration instrument for the IceCube Upgrade, the Precision Optical CAlibration Module or POCAM. This device is supposed to provide reference light pulses within the detection volume in order to re-calibrate optical properties and related systematics of the detector.
Talk: No

Vaishnavi Raskar (she/her/her)

Savitribai Phule Pune University
BSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Valentina Biancacci

Università di Padova & INFN Padova
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I'm working with the Legend/Gerda collaboration. We are searching for the neutrinoless double-beta decay, an important nuclear transition which evidence would prove unambiguously the existence of new physics. I've been performing a characterization analysis on the germanium detectors before their submersion in the liquid argon cryostat in the Legend experiment. It is extremely important to have better precision in the measurement of the half-life of 0nubb. In this analysis, I'm focusing on the determination of the active volume of the detectors through two different approaches. The first approach consists of comparing my MC simulations and data taken by placing radioactive sources close to the detectors. Another approach is doing a Bayesian analysis exploiting the energy spectrum of the Ar39, a background coming from the liquid Argon surrounding the detectors. Finally, it is interesting to probe the lower energy range, in the region of the Ar39 predominance, also for a peak-search finalized to the search for Dark Matter.
Talk: Yes

Vaniya Ansari (she/her/her)

Aligarh Muslim University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Understanding deep inelastic scattering region using charged current antineutrino-nucleus scattering on C, Fe, and Pb at MINERvA energies
Talk: No

Victor Valera Baca (he/him/his)

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Astrophysical neutrinos at high and ultra-high energies
Talk: No

Vittoria Vecchiotti

Gran Sasso Science Institute
PhD student, In person
Research interests: My research activity is focused on the Multimessenger study of High-Energy Galactic messengers: neutrinos, gamma-rays and cosmic rays. In particular, I try to constrain the Galactic diffuse gamma-ray/neutrino emission and the spectral features of Galactic cosmic rays using gamma-ray observations. For this reason, I study the Galactic gamma-ray source population and I work on estimating the contribution of sources that are too faint for being detected (unresolved) in different experiments and in different energy ranges.
Talk: Yes

Yago Philippe Porto Silva (he/him/his)

Universidade Estadual de Campinas
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Neutrino Oscillation Phenomenology & Neutrino Astrophysics I have experience with neutrino oscillations and supernova neutrino detection in current and future experiments (Kamland, Juno, SK/HK, DUNE) to test beyond standard model physics. In the last two years, I have mainly focused on supernova neutrinos. One of my works describes neutrino decoherence in exotic matter profiles and speculate how decoherence may affect supernova neutrinos. The other shows that supernova neutrinos can be very important in extending the search for neutrino magnetic moments beyond what our current terrestrial capabilities (and even other astrophysical searches) allow.
Talk: Yes

Yarno Merckx

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
PhD student, In person
Research interests: IceCube search for high-energy neutrinos from ultra - and luminous infrared galaxies with the Great Observatory All-Sky LIRG Survey (GOALS). This search is driven by a neutrino production model for U/LIGRs developed in collaboration with GOALS during my master thesis.
Talk: No

Yu Chen

Technical University of Munich
MSc student, In person
Research interests: So far I’m doing my master thesis on the direct detection of boosted dark matter. I'm also really interested in neutrino physics. I've been working as a HIWI student with the NUCLEUS collaboration, helping them analyse the data from trial run.
Talk: No

Zachary Martin (he/him/his)

Univeristy of Chicago
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am one member of the Payload for Ultra-high Energy Observations (PUEO) collaboration, a NASA Pioneers balloon experiment designed to detect ultra-high energy neutrinos at the tens of EeV scale. In my first year as a PhD student, my current contribution involves designing a new temperature sensor module for the housekeeping system, including the circuitry, enclosure, and interfacing of the sensor bus. In addition, I will be helping to build and calibrate the payload parts within the next two years up to flight in 2024.
Talk: No