Jul 17 – 21, 2023
Niels Bohr Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Zoom room: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/66810127842?pwd=ZDVPVWV2anVtMFVkVklhcVlLUm92QT09 (password is in your e-mail)

Participant research interests

Abhijeet Singh (he/him/his)

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Dark matter, astroparticle physics. I am trying to look for signals of primordial black holes in the early universe cosmology.
Talk: No

Abhirami Suresh

Vellore Institute of Technology
MSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Abhishek Dubey (he/him/his)

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
PhD student, Online
Research interests: My research focuses on discovering diffuse sub-PeV gamma-rays by the Tibet ASγ Collaboration and its implications for PeV-scale decaying dark matter. We investigate various final states, density profiles, and astrophysical background models to establish the most stringent limit on the dark matter lifetime for Standard Model final states. Our findings highlight the strongest constraints for dark matter masses in the range of a few PeV to tens of PeV. We are also working on utilizing LHAASO measurements and further exploring dark matter annihilation to advance our understanding of PeV-scale decaying dark matter.
Talk: No

Akash Kumar Saha (he/him/his)

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
PhD student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Akhila Kumar Pradhan

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Working in models like Left-Right symmetric model, 2HDM . Also working in Neutrino Oscillations and few theoretical aspects of it.
Talk: No

Alberto Gálvez Ureña (he/him/his)

Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (CEICO)
PhD student, In person
Research interests: My PhD is about the generation and propagation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays outside our galaxy and the effects of the Galactic Magnetic Field on their arrival directions. We will study their angular auto- and cross-correlation (this one with other fields such as Large Scale Structure or other messengers such as neutrinos) in harmonic space. More related to the school is a project I recently started that is funded by the Charles University Grant Agency. We will use the cross-correlation in a similar way to the previous project but with neutrinos and gravitational waves coming from Tidal Disruption Events. We will focus on the White Dwarf-Intermediate Mass Black Hole binary case first. We will extend our analysis beyond the White Dwarf case in the future. I would like to give a presentation on this topic.
Talk: Yes

Alessandra Azzollini (she/her/her)

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
PhD student, In person
Research interests: The topic of my Ph.D. project is in the context of multi-messenger astrophysics in the MessMapp group of Prof. Sara Buson, supported by the European Research Council (ERC Starting grant, contract no. 949555). The main goal of my current research is to understand the nature of sources that are likely emitters of the high-energy neutrinos detected by IceCube.
Talk: Yes

Alka Singh (she/her/her)

Aligarh Muslim University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Theoretical predictions for DUNE experiment in the Neutrino-Nucleus Deep Inelastic region. Recently the need for better theoretical understanding of the nuclear medium effects in the deep inelastic scattering(DIS) region in the electromagnetic(EM) and weak(Weak) interaction induced processes has been emphasized in view of the present DIS experiments being performed on the various nuclear targets using the electron beams at the JLab and the neutrino/antineutrino beams at the Fermilab. Specially, nuclear medium effects are being studied in the neutrino/antineutrino scattering using the nuclear targets like carbon, iron and lead in the MINERνA experiment at the Fermilab. We have studied the nuclear medium effects in the electromagnetic structure functions and the weak structure functions in the deep inelastic charged lepton and neutrino-nucleus scattering. The nuclear structure functions are calculated using dynamical origin of Nuclear Medium Effect(NME). NMEs are A, x and Q2 dependent. In GENIE, DIS is calculated in an effective leading order model using the modifications prescribed by Bodek and Yang. There is no A(mass number) dependence in GENIE. GRV98 LO parton distributions are being used in GENIE. We shall do comparative study of our numerical calculation and GENIE DIS differential scattering cross section for Argon and Iron target. These results would be useful for upcoming DUNE experiment.
Talk: No

Alok Ranjan Dash (he/him/his)

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Berhampur
BSc student, Online
Research interests: Solar physics and any branches related to astrophysics
Talk: No

Aman Verma (he/him/his)

Lucknow University
MSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Amit Singh (he/him/his)

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc student, In person
Research interests: High-energy neutrino emission from core-collapse supernova and GRB jets, that might happen in our Milky Way Galaxy. In order to observe and predict the possible mechanism for such events, I am working on making different theoretical models.
Talk: No

Ana Maria Garcia Trzeciak (she/her/her)

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I'm working with neutrino phenomenology, more specifically with non-unitarity in neutrino oscillation.
Talk: No

Ananya Patankar (she/her/her)

National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal
MSc student, Online
Research interests: Currently working on large scale multipoles and multipole vectors of the CMB.
Talk: No

Andrea Heinz

Department of Pharmacy (SUND), University of Copenhagen
Research scientist, In person
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Anirudh Bhatnagar

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc student, In person
Research interests: My thesis is based on the recently discovered neutrino source: NGC1068. We are looking at neutrinos travelling after complete quantum decoherence versus neutrinos propagating naturally to earth.
Talk: No

Anna Bjerregaard (she/her/her)

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc student, In person
Research interests: My current research is in N = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory, with a focus on integrability using results from Random Matrix Theory to analyze statistical properties of the spectrum of operators in the theory. My ambition is to continue my career in physics, and I'm currently looking into positions in astroparticle physics, so this school would be a great kick-start to this end!
Talk: No

Anton Stall (he/him/his)

Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology (TTK), RWTH Aachen University
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Currently I am working on the stochastic modelling of cosmic ray sources for diffuse high-energy gamma-rays and neutrinos as part of my PhD in the group of Philipp Mertsch. A central goal of my PhD, which I started in October 2022, is to use high-energy neutrinos to better understand the injection and propagation of galactic cosmic rays.
Talk: Yes

Antonio Capanema (he/him/his)

Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Multimessenger astrophysics, with a special focus on high-energy neutrinos.
Talk: Yes

Arifa Khatee Zathul (she/her/her)

University of Wisconsin-Madison
PhD student, In person
Research interests: -
Talk: Yes

Arthur Ferreira Vieira (he/him/his)

Fluminense Federal University / University of Southern Denmark
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am visiting the University of Southern Denmark as a PhD student for a one-year period under the supervision of prof. Astrid Eichhorn. There, I am participating on a project on Higgs portal to dark vector models within the asymptotic safety framework. I am also finishing a project regarding the fate of chiral symmetry in a system of four-fermion (pointlike) interactions in a Riemann-Cartan space. I have interest in starting a project on Majorana neutrino models and dark matter. Therefore, the lectures will certainly be helpful.
Talk: No

Arunkumar Kotagi (he/him/his)

Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal
MSc student, Online
Research interests: My interests are in the theoretical and computational aspects of cosmology. Currently, I am working on gravitational waves and its role in understanding the evolution of the universe.
Talk: No

Ashish Narayan (he/him/his)

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Experimental high-energy physics and neutrino astronomy
Talk: No

Ashok Kumar Aryal (he/him/his)

Tribhuvan University
MSc student, Online
Research interests: I am particularly interested in neutrino oscillations, origin of small mass of neutrinos.
Talk: No

Athul Sajjay (he/him/his)

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
BSc student, Online
Research interests: My broad research interests include astrophysics, and high energy physics. I am currently working on a project in fluid mechanics and heat transfer. I am also interested in Mathematics, Machine learning and data science.
Talk: No

Attia Mohamed

University of Debrecen
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Short baseline neutrino experiment
Talk: No

Ayşe Bat (she/her/her)

Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University
Faculty, Online
Research interests: I'm working on the Nova Experiment right now. My research focused on calculating the nuebarcc corss section for NoVA near Deector. As part of the project situated in Turkey, I also work on the simulation and design of detectors. For the neutron detection in this project, a tiny detector design filled with water that has been loaded with Gd is employed.
Talk: No

Bernanda Telalovic

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Lorentz invariance violation leading to flavour anisotropies in high energy astrophysical neutrinos.
Talk: Yes

Bharti Meena (she/her/her)

National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal
MSc student, Online
Research interests: The current Research topic is QuTip in Quantum information and quantum computation. And "Probing Neutrino Oscillations: Unveiling Neutrino Properties and Their Cosmic Significance": This research focuses on exploring the intricate phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, where these mysterious particles change their flavor states while traveling through space. By conducting precise measurements using advanced neutrino detectors and employing theoretical modeling and data analysis techniques, the study aims to unravel the mechanisms behind neutrino oscillations. It will address fundamental questions about neutrino mass hierarchy, absolute mass scale, mixing angles, and CP violation. This research has profound implications for particle physics, astrophysics, and cosmology, contributing to our understanding of the Standard Model, dark matter, matter-antimatter asymmetry, and the evolution of the universe. Ultimately, it has the potential to revolutionize our knowledge of neutrinos and drive future scientific breakthroughs in particle physics and cosmology.
Talk: No

Bhavya Soni (she/her/her)

Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur
BSc student, Online
Research interests: I am currently in pre-final year of my B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Jodhpur, India. In high energy physics, neutrinos have captivated my interest from long, since they travel with 99.99% speed of light with no charge, negligible mass and half spin, and yet detected, just like a ghost particle. I have acquired knowledge of neutrino oscillations, neutrino decoherence, CP Violations, Bell’s inequality, Leggett Garg Inequality, PT symmetric Non-Hermitian Hamiltonian and quantum mechanics associated with it through these projects. I look forward to learn more about neutrinos.
Talk: No

Bhavna Yadav (she/her/her)

Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I am Bhavna Yadav, a PhD final year student in Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur (IITJ). My research area is high energy physics, in particular Neutrino Physics and beyond Standard Model (BSM). Neutrino physics has been probing new physics in various different ways. Neutrino oscillation is main effect for neutrino flavour changing process and this confirmed by many experiments. Some sub dominant effects can also occur due to neutrinos interactions with matter, non standard interaction (NSI) is one of them. Non-standard neutrino interactions can provide an indication of the presence of some new physics beyond Standard Model (SM). A platform for testing and analyzing local hidden variable theories is provided by quantum correlations, which are founded on the principles of locality and realism. Schrodinger initially proposed the idea of quantum correlation in his 1935. Neutrino oscillation has non-classical aspects in Bell's inequality, making it a good system for studying quantum correlation measurements. Currently, I am analyzing the effect of NSI on some quantum correlation measures for different reactor and accelerator experiments.
Talk: No

Bibek Karn (he/him/his)

Trichandra Multiple College, Kathmandu
BSc student, Online
Research interests: My bachelor's thesis was on "Parameter estimation of Binary Black Holes From Open Gravitational Wave Data using Bayesian Analysis".
Talk: No

Christoph Vogl (he/him/his)

Technical University Munich (TUM)
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Hi! I am working on the LEGEND project searching for neutrinoless double beta decay in Ge-76. My focus is the liquid argon (LAr) instrumentation of the experiment which we use as an active shield to remove background. I investigate the impact of impurities on LAr with a SiPM array called LLAMA and perform trace gas analysis with a mass spectrometer to measure the actual impurity concentration. To remove these impurities I built a LAr purification system based on a molecular sieve and activated copper. Furthermore I am looking into the influence of xenon onto the scintillation properties of liquid argon and will construct a mathematical model to describe the observed effects.
Talk: Yes

Chui-Fan Kong (he/him/his)

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute / Shanghai Jiao Tong University
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am working on neutrino phenomenology at long-baseline oscillation experiments. I focus on the leptonic CP phase measurement and we have put forward a new experimental setup (DUNE+$\mu$THEIA) to significantly improve the CP measurement (arXiv: 2202.05038 / Eur.Phys.J.C 82 (2022) 6, 572). Now I am studying the potential probe of new effect from physics beyond the SM at neutrino experiments.
Talk: Yes

Debashree Priyadarsini Das (she/her/her)

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrinoless double beta decay, Sterile neutrinos and leptogenesis
Talk: No

Deep Das (he/him/his)

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I work on Dark Matter phenomenology, in particular, I work on Axions as a Dark Matter candidate. Various parts of Axion parameter space have been ruled out by experiments but there is so much to explore. My work is on finding ALP-photon oscillation signature on various spectra. In addition, I am also interested in Cosmic Ray Physics, Neutrino Physics, Gamma Ray Physics etc. In all fronts there are big strides been made but in future with more and more better telescopes coming up, we are definitely headed for an exciting time.

Deeshani Mitra (she/her/her)

Indian Statistical Institute
MSc student, Online
Research interests: Currently, I am a research intern at the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata, India. Our research aims to construct a lab-scale analogue gravity model that can mimic the behaviour of black holes and their horizons. We are exploring the mathematical and physical aspects of the generalized fluid dynamics theory and how it can be applied to our analogue gravity model. Our objective is to gain insights into the physics of black holes and their properties in a controlled laboratory setting. The manuscript is underway. In addition to my research experience, I have also worked on planet formation associated with the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) under the supervision of Swastik. C and on Blackwidow and red back pulsars at the National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA) TIFR, Pune, India under the supervision of Prof Sushan Konar. I am also currently working under the supervision of Prof Ashish Ranjan(ICSP) which is associated with the study of open clusters.
Talk: No

Devesh Pratap Singh (he/him/his)

LNM Institute of Information Technology
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Combination of two or more experiments using GLoBES
Talk: No

Diwash Ghimire (he/him/his)

St. Xavier's College, Tribhuvan University
MSc student, Online
Research interests: Being in Nepal, an underdeveloped country with limited resources and opportunities for particle physics research, it is challenging to pursue my passion for neutrinos. There are no experts or facilities that can guide me or provide me with hands-on experience in this field. That is why I am eager to participate in the Summer School on Neutrinos 2023. I am confident that I have the academic background, research experience, and motivation to make the most of this opportunity. I have excellent recommendations from my professors. I have also demonstrated perseverance and resilience despite the obstacles I faced due to my country's situation.
Talk: No

Edis Tireli

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc student, In person
Research interests: BSM physics with the addition of Heavy Neutral Leptons/Majorana neutrinos into the SM.
Talk: No

Eleonora Barbano (she/her/her)

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am developing my Ph.D. research in the context of the multimessenger neutrino astrophysics in the MessMapp project of Professor S. Buson, supported by European Research Council (ERC Starting grant, contract no. 949555). In particular, I am analyzing IceCube neutrino public data to investigate the astrophysical sources that may originate the recent discovered high-energy component of the diffuse flux.
Talk: Yes

Eobard Ding (he/him/his)

University of Nevada, Las Vegas
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Dark matter search (IceCube)
Talk: No

Erick Urquilla (he/him/his)

University of Tennessee
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino flavor transformations in neutron star mergers
Talk: No

Felix Bretaudeau (he/him/his)

Subatech / Nantes
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Multi-messenger observations with the KM3NeT telescope: search for high energy neutrinos coinciding with astrophysical transients (Fast Radio Bursts)
Talk: Yes

Finn Mayhew (he/him/his)

Michigan State University
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Several beyond-the-Standard-Model theories that explain the origin of neutrino mass also predict the existence of some undiscovered heavy mediator particle. If such a particle exists, we expect neutrinos that pass through the Earth to interact with Earth's matter through that particle in a way that influences their oscillation. My current research aims to place constraints on the strength of these non-standard neutrino interactions using atmospheric oscillation data from the IceCube experiment. My work on this analysis is a continuation of previous work on the same analysis and is part of IceCube's oscNext set of oscillation analyses.
Talk: No

Gabriela Rodrigues Araujo

University of Zurich
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I am a a 4th year PhD student working with : i) the R&D of fluorescent materials for neutrino and dark matter experiments; ii) data analysis of neutrinoless double beta decay (0vbb) experiments; and iii) the R&D of new particle passive detectors for neutrinos and dark matter. During my PhD I have been working for the GERDA & LEGEND (0vbb) experiments as well as for the Monument (ordinary muon capture for 0vbb) and Paleoccene (Passive low energy nuclear recoil detection with color centers) collaborations.
Talk: No

Gopal Garg (he/him/his)

Aligarh Muslim University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I have just started my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Mohammad Sajjad Athar and Prof. Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla. I am interested to study the properties of astrophysical and atmospheric neutrinos. During my PhD, we plan to perform precision measurements of oscillation parameters, and Earth's tomography using neutrinos. We are also interested to study high-energy astrophysical neutrinos to search for their sources and look for possible BSM signals etc.
Talk: No

Hemant Kumar Prajapati (he/him/his)

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Bhopal
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Our objective is to focus on extensions of the SM and build such models that can be probed in current or near future experiments. Various Colliders, i.e. ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, Belle-II, etc., Beam Dump, i.e. NA64(e++ ), AWAKE, HPS, Sea Quest at Fermilab, and Direct-Detection, i.e. XENONnT, LZ, XMASS-II, and SENSEI, experiments yield strong limitations on such models, allowing us to confine the parameters of such theories and witness the impact of novel physics. We worked on various aspects of model building, starting fundamentally from gauge anomaly cancellations and new gauge symmetries. Recently we studied the self-energy corrections to the gauge bosons and the parametrization of dominant BSM effects in terms of oblique parameters (S, T, U). These parameters encompass the effects of new physics provided the new physics mass scale is bigger than the electroweak scale. We applied this method to calculate loop corrections to W mass. We explored the possibility of the Canonical Scotogenic model to explain the W boson anomaly (https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.01522). In another work, we focused on the chiral solution of the gauged "B-L " model and attempted to investigate it in relation to the W anomaly (https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.11945). We also studied Constraints on Dark matter from relic density and direct detection experiments in these models. We are also interested in various neutrino properties, i.e. Neutrino-Oscillations, Lepton flavor violation, Neutrino mass mechanism, and in low-energy processes, i.e. Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering, elastic neutrino electron scattering, and Dark matter electron/nucleus scattering [doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2023.137742] [arXiv:2208.06415 [hep-ph]].
Talk: No

Ibrahim Mirza (he/him/his)

University of Tennessee
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrinoless double-beta decay search at LEGEND experiment.
Talk: No

Imtiaz Khan (he/him/his)

Institute of Theoretical Physics (ITP), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I am working in particle physics and inflationary cosmology. Inflation addresses the issues with the standard model of the big bang and Supersymmetry addresses issues with the standard model, one of the promising issues is the hierarchy of the standard model and Dark matter. The supersymmetry introduces a superpartner corresponding to each standard model particle and gives LSP as a Dark Matter candidate. My research focuses on the phenomenological study of the Supersymmetric model and tries to make unique predictions of Superpartners and Dark Matter candidates seen in LHC or future colliders, like CEPC.

Ishika Palit (she/her/her)

Tel Aviv University
Postdoc, In person
Research interests: Computational Astrophysics. Currently working on gamma-ray burst and eject interaction with expanding medium. Efficient with GRMHD codes.
Talk: No

Ismael Espinoza (he/him/his)

Universidad de Sonora
PhD student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Johanna Jallberg (she/her/her)

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc student, In person
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Jothika Ramasamy (she/her/her)

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
MSc student, Online
Research interests: Doing high resolution study of Herbig Ae/Be star HD 141569 using Vainu Bappu Telescope at Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur - Indian Institute of Astrophysics.
Talk: No

Julie Kiel Holm (she/her/her)

Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
MSc student, In person
Research interests: I expect to be starting my master thesis in September with Prof. Irene Tamborra, studying neutrinos from astronomical transients.
Talk: No

János Takátsy

Wigner Research Centre for Physics
PhD student, Online
Research interests: My research focuses on investigating neutron star properties and dense strongly interacting matter. I am also interested in other astrophysical phenomena involving high energy particles. Neutrinos produced during supernova explosions are also among my interests.
Talk: No

Katia Kamura Mamani Burgos (she/her/her)

National University of Callao
BSc student, Online
Research interests: I'm a Senior, finished my major on December last year. I'm interested in this summer school because I'd like to expand my knowledge. My line of research is Astrophysics but I want to delve into other areas that will help me complement the bases I have in my university training. I have great interest for my area that I always apply to different workshops, also I was accepted in the School of observational astronomy in Mexico and I stood out for my enthusiasm and dedication. My recent area of research is the study of Extinction in galaxies.
Talk: No

Kaustav Dutta (he/him/his)

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
MSc student, In person
Research interests: The IceCube Observatory is a cubic-kilometer neutrino telescope built into the deep glacial ice at the South Pole. Low energy extensions to the detector include the existing DeepCore subarray and the upcoming IceCube Upgrade. These focus on neutrino oscillation physics using atmospheric neutrinos and are characterized by a denser instrumentation. These elusive particles are indirectly detected by collecting Cherenkov photons emitted by secondary charged particles produced as a result of neutrino-nucleon interactions inside the detector. The reconstruction of event information, in particular direction and energy of an incoming neutrino, is a crucial ingredient to the oscillation analyses. The accuracy of reconstruction is therefore affected by statistical fluctuations in the particle shower development as well as by photon propagation and detection efficiencies of sensors. My current research is focused towards identifying the theoretically achievable resolution in the absence of modeling inaccuracies and computational limitations. The study aims to analyze the factors that limit reconstruction performance, which include algorithmic deficiencies such as minimizer performance and the available information contained in the events.
Talk: Yes

Kewen Zhang (she/her/her)

Purple Mountain Observatory
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I attained my bachelor diploma in physics at Beijing Normal University, I had master in NPAC program at Sorbonne University. Now I am a PhD student Purple Mountain Observatory studying inside GRAND collaboration, one of goals which is to find UHE neutrino origin, the current experiment status is aiming to study cosmic rays in energy range 10^16.5-10^18eV, I am doing study on radio signal reconstruction and data analysis in the future, but I am willing to learn more about neutrinos in theoretical aspects which helps me have a more profound understanding on what to expect.
Talk: No

Krittika Adhikari (she/her/her)

Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute, Belur
MSc student, Online
Research interests: I have been studying the theoretical aspects of neutrino oscillations in vacuum and matter (matter effects) and Mass hierarchy problem. I have computed the oscillation parameters and studied them specifically for conditions of Bilarge and Trimaximal mixing. Since for the mixing matrix, considering the Majorana phases is irrelevant, I worked with the Dirac type of neutrino for oscillation probability calculations. I have discussed two neutrino oscillations and calculated the oscillation probabilities, obtained the transition probability relation in terms of a quartic product of the mixing matrix elements, also called the Jarlskog invariant. Since in oscillation experiments, the probability measurements require physical parameters, I had to parametrize the unitary mixing matrix, and started with a general n × n unitary matrix, found the number of independent parameters and used it for 2 flavor oscillations. The probabilities are obtained in terms of the single angular parameter and squared mass differences of the massive neutrino states. Next, I worked on three flavor oscillations and similarly calculated the oscillation probabilities and parametrized the 3×3 unitary matrix as the PMNS matrix. Subsequently, did similar calculations for oscillation probabilities of antineutrinos to find the CP violation, discussed about the CPT theorem and it’s conservation in nature and T asymmetry. Next, I have shown how the Scalar, Electromagnetic and the Dirac fields transform under continuous Lorentz transformation, discrete transformations such as parity and charge conjugation and a few bilinears with the Dirac field with the future prospect to write the weak interaction Lagrangian, since neutrinos interact with matter only via the weak interaction. I have described how neutrinos interact by charged current and neutral current interactions in matter. Lastly, derived the Hamiltonian density in vacuum in mass basis and doing unitary transformation, brought it to the flavor basis and extended to the Hamiltonian in matter in flavor basis. We again do unitary transformation to get the Hamiltonian in matter in mass basis, to finally obtain the measurable effective squared mass difference. This is known as the MSW effect. From the above study, it was concluded that in order to explain the atmospheric neutrino anomaly and solar neutrino problem, Neutrino oscillation phenomena is indeed necessary as can be seen from the oscillation probability calculations in two and three flavors in vacuum and matter and is studied experimentally as well. I am presently studying the mass hierarchy problem wherein the dominance of the squared mass difference (∆m_31)^2 over (∆m_21)^2 is considered since neutrino experiments have shown that neutrinos oscillate with two different squared-mass differences namely (∆m_SOL)^2 and (∆m_ATM)^2 and depending on neutrino energy, (∆m_ 31)^2 = (∆m_ATM)^2 and (∆m_ 21)^2 = (∆m_SOL)^2 can be written and are the independent mass squared differences in three flavor mixing. I am having to plot the probabilities as a function of L/E since in actual neutrino detection experiments, flight distance and neutrino energy play a very crucial role because high energetic neutrinos travel long distances undetected which is what the LBL Neutrino experiments study in contrast to the SBL neutrino experiments.
Talk: No

Kusum Seervi (she/her/her)

National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal
MSc student, Online
Research interests: Currently, I am working with one of the examples of Scalar field theory i.e. Phi four theory and renormalization group.
Talk: No

Labh Singh

Central University of Himachal Pradesh
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino Physics-Phenomenology (Model Building)
Talk: No

Leander Fischer (he/him/his)

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Search for heavy neutral leptons (GeV-scale) with IceCube DeepCore and SM neutrino oscillations.
Talk: No

Leila Kalhor

Shahid Beheshti University
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I worked on Purdue university's local liquid xenon time projection chamber, on analysis of data from the XENON dark matter detector, and on theoretical considerations pertaining to the elastic scattering of solar neutrinos off of electrons bound to xenon atoms.
Talk: Yes

Lekhashri Konwar (she/her/her)

Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur
PhD student, Online
Research interests: The main focus of my research is to analyze quantum correlations in the neutrinos system taking into consideration the experimental setups of ongoing experiments such as NOA and T2K, and also the upcoming experiments DUNE and JUNO. This will enable probing some of the open problems in the neutrino sector, viz., the mass-hierarchy problem and CP violation. I am interested in non-standard neutrino interactions which can provide an indication of the presence of some new physics beyond SM.
Talk: No

Lekhika Malhotra

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I recently worked on asymmetric dark matter where the lightest among three sterile neutrinos was dark matter candidate. Currently, I am working on Leptogenesis at TeV scale and EW scale with GW probes. I am also interested in Supersymmetric phenomenlogy. Being in journey of research in Beyond Standard model physics, I am very much interested in the latest developments of neutrinos sector to broaden my horizon. Attending the school, gives me an opportunity to interact with the experts in this area and other participants from all over the world. Having in-person discussion with them help me in making more collaboration in research. This is my main motivation to attend the school.
Talk: No

Lena Saurenhaus (she/her/her)

Max Planck Institute for Physics
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Motivated by the excess of neutrino events from the direction of the nearby Seyfert II galaxy NGC 1068 that has recently been reported by IceCube, my current research project focuses on the study of Seyfert galaxies as potential sources of astrophysical neutrinos. In NGC 1068, neutrinos are most likely produced in photohadronic interactions of high-energy protons with X-rays in the vicinity of the central black hole. These X-rays are also responsible for attenuating the simultaneously produced gamma rays via two-photon annihilation, which causes NGC 1068 to be highly obscured in gamma rays. In order to investigate the prospects of observing other hidden neutrino sources with similar neutrino production mechanisms, we use Monte Carlo simulations based on multiwavelength observations of Seyfert galaxies. In combination with publicly available detector information, we can then make predictions about the detectability of the neutrino emission from those sources with existing and future neutrino telescopes. Connecting our findings on the diffuse flux from the source population as a whole to the possibility of detecting nearby individual sources will allow us to draw a coherent picture of the contribution of Seyfert galaxies to astrophysical neutrino observations.
Talk: No

Leonardo Ferreira Leite (he/him/his)

State University of Campinas (Unicamp) - CERN
PhD student, In person
Research interests: My research focus has been on Model Building, having worked with SU(3)_L x U(1)_X gauge models extensions, 2HDM models, dark photon sector models, etc, and also with flavor physics, in the field of LFU tests, such as helicity suppressed meson decays and R(D^(*)) anomaly. All that with a focus on the electroweak sector, especially in neutrino production channels and neutrino mass models (seesaw, Zee-Babu mechanism, scotogenic). Currently, I am a visitor at CERN where I am working more closely with neutrino phenomenology under the supervision of Joachim Kopp. My current project aims to study neutrinos coming from CNB detected by the future PTOLEMY experiment to probe the parameter space of scalar-mediated neutrino decays.
Talk: Yes

Leonardo Palombini

University of Padua
MSc student, In person
Research interests: ENUBET project (Enhanced NeUtrino BEam by kaon Tagging), aiming to demonstrate the feasibility of a "monitored neutrino beam" approach in future experiments. It consists in the design of a new neutrino beamline and the building of a technological demonstrator of an instrumented decay tunnel, and in the evaluation of the advantages of such an approach in present (ICARUS, ProtoDUNE) and future experiments (DUNE, HyperKamiokande). My internship activity is concentrated on the characterization and building of the instrumented demonstrator. [https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2203.08319]
Talk: No

Lorenzo Valla (he/him/his)

TU Dortmund / Clermont Auvergne University / University of Bologna
MSc student, In person
Research interests: I graduated in Physics at the University of Bologna with a thesis in the framework of the CosmicAntiNuclei EU-funded project. I am currently in the second semester of the Erasmus Mundus International Master in Advanced Methods for Particle Physics (IMAPP) degree - organized by the TU Dortmund, the UCA of Clermont-Ferrand and the University of Bologna - dedicated to the studying of theoretical, phoenomenological and experimental aspects of particle physics.
Talk: No

Lukas Gülzow (he/him/his)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I'm developing a signal model for the radio emission of inclined air showers induced by ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos for GRAND.
Talk: No

Madhumita Patel (she/her/her)

Lucknow University
MSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Marcelo Ismerio Oliveira (he/him/his)

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Atmospheric Neutrinos in DUNE - Sensitivity studies for CP violation, Earth tomography
Talk: No

Mohit Singh (he/him/his)

Aligarh Muslim University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I am working in the Neutrino – Nucleon and Neutrino – Nucleus cross-section especially in deep inelastic energy regions. Because Neutrino-Nucleon and Neutrino-Nucleus cross-sections not only help us to determine the neutrino oscillation parameters but also provide information about the axial vector form factor of the nucleons bound inside the nucleus. I also want to understand the “Neutrino interactions with different nuclear mediums” in DIS region.
Talk: No

Monal Kashav (he/him/his)

Central University of Himachal Pradesh
PhD student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Muhammad Fauzi Mustamin

Karadeniz Technical University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino physics, collider physics
Talk: No

Narmin Nasibova (en/en/es)

Azerbaijan National Academy of Science
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Study Hadron properties at finite temperature in the AdS/QCD models
Talk: No

Pablo Martínez-Miravé

IFIC (CSIC - U. Valencia)
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Neutrino properties from the Sun, in terrestrial laboratories and from cosmology (including beyond the Standard Model physics)
Talk: No

Paige Kunkle

Boston University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I am a collaborator on the Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment (PROSPECT), a short-baseline reactor antineutrino experiment designed to make a precise measurement of the neutrino energy spectrum from ORNL’s HFIR. For my dissertation I plan to perform a high precision absolute reactor antineutrino flux measurement using PROSPECT-I data, and am currently working on calculating PROSPECT’s inverse beta decay signal detection efficiency and uncertainty on the efficiency.
Talk: No

Patrick Adolf (he/him/his)

Technische Universität Dortmund
MSc student, Online
Research interests: I am currently writing my master's thesis on "Radiative neutrino masses and the Cohen-Kaplan-Nelson bound". In it, I am looking at the influence of gravitational effects, which are motivated by the phenomeneology of black holes, on neutrino masses. The CKN bound restricts the allowed energy range in QFT and thus produces both an IR and UV cutoff in loop integrals. I mainly consider radiative models, such as the Scotogenic or Zee model, and investigate how the influence of the CKN bound affects the resulting masses.
Talk: No

Patrícia Duarte de Almeida (she/her/her)

MSc student, Online
Research interests: DUNE is an international particle physics experiment. Its main objective is to study neutrinos and their properties. One of its main components is the X-ARAPUCA, a photon detector. This detector consists of a mechanical structure, a wavelength shifter, and dichroic filters. The focus of this research project is on the study and characterization of pTP, the material used as a wavelength shifter, and the dichroic filters. pTP is a material with limited literature but extremely important for the functioning of X-ARAPUCA. Once this device is installed, it will operate for years in liquid argon without internal maintenance. Therefore, it is necessary to study the optical and mechanical properties of this material.
Talk: No

Pavel Kůs (he/him/his)

Central European Institute for Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (CEICO)
PhD student, In person
Research interests: There are two projects I'm working on at the moment. Project num.1 (project just starting): The aim of this project is to devise, build and test a multi-messenger approach for the future detection of intermediate mass black holes (IMBH). There is plenty of evidence pointing towards the existence of supermassive black holes (SMBH) and stellar black holes (SBH). However, our current models require the existence of yet undetected IMBH to explain the formation of SMBH. Therefore there is a lot of interest in devising new methods to detect these IMBH. Our research will have as its final objective to study how to use a combination of gravitational waves and high energy neutrinos to maximise the chances of detecting these elusive objects. Project num.2: The aim of this project is to investigate how strong constraints can be placed on the scalar ultra-light dark matter (scalar ULDM) coupling constants using pulsar timing data. We do this by focusing our attention on binary pulsars. Their orbital periods might be time-dependent due to the interaction between dark matter and the components of the binary systems. If this scenario is correct, then the interaction produces timing residuals, fingerprints of ULDM on pulsar time data, which can be further used to constrain a particular dark matter model. In this work dilatonic portal coupling constants are considered. We perform a statistical treatment of pulsar timing data in order to constrain the coupling constants. In doing so, we make use of the state-of-the-art pulsar timing package PINT, fitting, likelihood function maximization, and Bayesian analysis. We use selected pulsars timed within the NANOGrav project.
Talk: Yes

Peyman Zakeri (he/him/his)

Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)
Postdoc, In person
Research interests: My field of research is based on neutrino phenomenology. Here in IPM, Iran, we work especially on solar neutrinos through model-building and the analysis of experimental data. Beyond the standard model, we also search for dark matter candidates which can be described by neutrino fields.
Talk: No

Prashant Kumar (he/him/his)

Aligarh Muslim University
MSc student, Online
Research interests: I am completing my masters this summer from Aligarh Muslim University, India. During my final year, I have had the opportunity to study the Basics of QFT, QED and High Energy Physics. One of the topics of special interest for me was the neutrinos and their properties. They are produced in nuclear reactors, particle accelerators, atmosphere, in the core of earth and sun and many distant astrophysical bodies. They were produced even in the initial moments after the Big Bang Bang, with the energies ranging from micro-eV to PeV. One of the fascinating properties of neutrinos is their oscillations which is possible only if the neutrinos possess mass, violating the SM of particle physics. This is so far the only experimental evidence indicative of BSM physics. The field is full of avenues to explore and I want to pursue my PhD in this discipline. I hope this school will augment and increase my knowledge and provide the platform for future endeavours.
Talk: No

Prasoon Chakraborty (he/him/his)

Lomonosov Moscow State University
MSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Prince Kumar

National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal
MSc student, Online
Research interests: My research focuses on exploring the phenomenology of supersymmetric models in quantum field theory. Specifically, I investigate the properties and implications of supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model, as well as their potential signatures in collider experiments. By using state-of-the-art computational tools and theoretical techniques, I aim to uncover new avenues for probing supersymmetry and shedding light on some of the most pressing questions in particle physics, such as the nature of dark matter and the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking.
Talk: No

Rasmus Ørsøe

Technical University Munich (TUM)
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I develop, apply and maintain ML-powered reconstruction algorithms for neutrino telescopes (including IceCube).
Talk: No

Richa Gupta (she/her/her)

University of Rajasthan
MSc student, Online
Research interests: ESKAPE Pathogen
Talk: No

Ricky Crisomeno Ticse Reyes (he/him/his)

National University of Callao
BSc student, Online
Research interests: I am currently working on a scientific article with my adviser (Dr.) and two colleagues (both magisters) on the texture of neutrinos and its implications, taking into account the value of the CP violation phase (Delta CP).
Talk: No

Rithik Rai (he/him/his)

Cochin University of Science and Technology
MSc student, Online
Research interests: My research field is on Relativity.
Talk: No

Rupali Hatte

University of Mumbai
MSc student, Online
Research interests: I would be interested to pursue PhD in astroparticle physics and this summer school will help me in broadening my skills required for selecting the course and also will develop interest further.
Talk: No

Saeed Ullah Khan

Zhengzhou University
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Particle dynamics and black hole shadows (black hole physics)
Talk: No

Sagar J C (he/him/his)

National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Surathkal
MSc student, Online
Research interests: I am completely drawn to the topic of string theory and quantum gravity. Gravity is the most mysterious phenomenon that exists in our universe. One important aspect of string theory/quantum gravity that I am completely interested in is, how it tries to explain dark matter. It says that our universe is 11 Dimensional, so dark matter candidates exist in the higher dimensions of Calabi–Yau manifolds. It also theorizes Dark matter candidates to be Superpartners of the standard model particles and hence tries to explain how LSPs are a good candidate. I am surprised at how dark matter interacts with our dimension only through Gravity, the fundamental force that was split first from the grand unified force (where all the fundamental forces were one) in the first 10^(43) seconds after the Big Bang. Moreover, every other fundamental force except gravity has its charge carrier particle whose existence is proven, but for gravity, gravitons are not proven yet. So, this makes gravity mysterious. I want to explore this aspect of string theory and quantum gravity on how it tries to explain dark matter by demystifying gravity. And I also know that this internship will help me to achieve it. Becoming a theoretical physicist in this field is my goal. I believe that my mathematical knowledge of Topology, Group theory, Integral and differential calculus, and my physics knowledge of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics and basics of classical field theory along with quantum mechanics will help me to complete the internship successfully.
Talk: No

Sania Lewis (she/her/her)

King's College London
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I will be working to increase the precision of neutrino oscillation parameter measurements with the T2K long baseline experiment through improved handling of near detector systematics. Additionally, I will be conducting simulation studies to optimise far detector design choices, specifically for the outer detector, for the future Hyper-Kamiokande physics analyses. The methodology used will include Monte Carlo simulations, using Geant4 based software, and Markov Chain fitting techniques using established T2K collaboration code.
Talk: No

Saurabh Kumar Shukla (he/him/his)

Physical Research Laboratory
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Grand Unified Theories
Talk: No

Sejal Jain

Dr. Harisingh Gour University, Sagar University
BSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Siddhant Dutta (he/him/his)

SVKM's Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering
BSc student, Online
Research interests: Problem Statement: Utilizing Quantum Image Processing and other quantum algorithms and networks for Improving Solar Panel Efficiency Abstract: The use of solar panels has increased due to their potential to reduce reliance on non-renewable energy sources. However, solar panels' efficiency is affected by several factors including temperature, shading, and dirt accumulation. Quantum image processing techniques can be applied to improve solar panel efficiency by developing algorithms to detect and remove dirt and shading effects from solar panel images.
Talk: No

Silvia Salvatore

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
PhD student, In person
Research interests: -
Talk: Yes

Simony Santos da Costa

National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)
Postdoc, Online
Research interests: Physics of the early Universe, modified theories of gravity
Talk: No

Sk Jeesun (he/him/his)

Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
PhD student, Online
Research interests: I work on dark matter phenomenology, neutrino mass mechanism, relativistic neutrino degrees of freedom, cosmological imprints of different beyond standard model scenarios.
Talk: No

Sofia Athanasiadou

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Search for neutrino emission from non-blazar AGN in the Northern sky performing a stacking analysis in IceCube.
Talk: No

Subhadip Bouri (he/him/his)

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
PhD student, Online
Research interests: My research interest is combining new experimental discoveries with up-to-date theoretical studies to probe some of nature's most exciting and fundamental questions. Many questions can only be answered by a deep and simultaneous understanding of astrophysics and particle physics. Currently, I aim to use high-energy astrophysical neutrinos in order to probe the universe. IceCube's detection of the first high energy astrophysical neutrino flux confined cosmic neutrinos as the essential messenger to reveal an unobstructed view of the universe at wavelengths where it is opaque to light. As part of my Ph.D. research, I propose exploring the identification of likely sources of extragalactic neutrinos. Moreover, I wish to study the various aspects of neutrino physics to understand promising physics beyond the Standard Model.
Talk: No

Swapnil Singh (he/him/his)

B.M.S. College of Engineering
BSc student, Online
Research interests: I have written a few abstracts out of which 3 that is “Dark Matter & gravitational Effects”, “Gamma Ray Burst and Afterglow” & “Fuzzball Blackholes” got accepted in a conference and I had given a talk with Q/A session. I also presented a poster on Dark matter in Kashiwa Dark matter Symposium. The Research topic or the problem statement on which I am focusing right now is The Fuzzball Model of Black Holes, which is the quantum mechanical model of blackholes as depicted by String Theory. The Fuzzball model of Blackhole attempts to resolve two intractable problems that classic black holes pose for modern physics, which are the Information Paradox and point of Infinity Density (Singularity). The black hole tries to squeeze things to a point, but then the particles get stretched into these strings, and the strings start to stretch and expand and it becomes this fuzzball that expands to fill up the entirety of the black hole. The event horizons for both classic black holes and fuzzball lie precisely at the point where spacetime has warped to such an extent that falling bodies just achieve the speed of light. Replacing the convenient general relativistic picture of black holes as empty space, with all its mass located in its center, with a ball-shaped mess of interacting strings is fascinating and will open windows for further explanation in Cosmology.
Talk: No

Tobias Heibges (he/him/his)

Colorado School of Mines
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am working on the target of opportunity searches for the Extreme Universe Space Observatory on a NASA Super Pressure Balloon 2 (EUSO-SPB2) mission, where we fly a Cherenkov telescope with a 6.4°x12.8° field of view. This payload is expected to launch in April/May 2023. The plan for this mission is to search for extensive airshower signals induced by tau lepton decays which originate from tau neutrino interactions inside the earth's crust. One of my roles in this mission is to gather possible neutrino sources such as Gamma ray bursts seen by Fermi, neutrino events from IceCube or binary neutron star mergers from LIGO-Virgo-Kagra, to anticipate where and when we need to point our telescope to maximize the likelihood of observation. With the limited field of view we will have to change the pointing of the telescope dramatically. This is why it is imperative to have a good understanding of the source location in the sky. The second role I have is to implement the target of opportunity method into NuSpaceSim, a NASA developed simulation framework, to calculate an end-to-end acceptance toward a given neutrino source as it drops below the earth's horizon.
Talk: No

Tri Utari

Universitas Gadjah Mada
BSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Trisha Sarkar (she/her/her)

Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am currently working in Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics. I am working in different aspects of non-standard interactions and neutrino magnetic moment. In Astrophysics I am working in the compact objects like neutron star and its thermal properties.
Talk: No

Vigneshwaran Palaniappan (he/him/his)

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Standard Model effective field theory
Talk: No

Vincent Gousy-Leblanc

Technical University of Munich (TUM)
PhD student, In person
Research interests: I am working on the P-One experiment that is set up to be a neutrino detector in the pacific ocean (currently only 2 lines, STRAW, are characterizing the environment). My work is more specifically linked to the development of a set up to characterize and calibrate the PMT that will be used.
Talk: No

Vivek Banerjee (he/him/his)

National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
PhD student, Online
Research interests: Currently, I am working in neutrino physics. Basically studying the neutrinoless double beta decay, leptogenesis, and sterile neutrino contribution in various processes.
Talk: No

Yogesh Bari (he/him/his)

University of Mumbai
MSc student, Online
Research interests: -
Talk: No

Yuliia Borysenkova (she/her/her)

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
MSc student, In person
Research interests: Different BSM models (e.g., axions, HNLs, CS bosons)
Talk: No

Zachary Meyers

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY)
PhD student, In person
Research interests: After a brief COVID related delay, the first 7 stations of the Radio Neutrino Observatory Greenland (RNO-G) are now operational. In the coming years, the construction of another 28+ stations will bring the array to full capacity as an instrument with an eye towards the ultra-high energy neutrino (>10 PeV) regime, creating another link in the fast paced and rapidly changing landscape of multi-messenger astronomy. Until now, the data volume of our two initial seasons has remained manageable. However, as the array continues to grow, we need to develop more and more clever processes regarding how to filter our data; we must throw away the noise and identify the most promising events. And thanks to COVID, just like RNO-G, my PhD project has also not gone as originally intended. When I started in the winter of 2019, the plan was to work in the lab to produce the amplifiers for our stations. Instead, I ended up stuck in my room for the better part of two years writing software and analyzing data (which can be tricky when the instrument has not yet been built). Nothing went to plan. But now, as I reach the end of this journey, everything is starting to fall into place. My deep learning based anomaly detection pipeline can help to identify anthropogenic and astrophysical sources, and we continue to learn more about the optimal signal processing of our detector. I have attended many virtual conferences and meetings during the last years, but have had few chances to interact in person with my peers. The NBIA Summer School gives me that opportunity, and would be an excellent review before my defense.
Talk: Yes

Zafri Ahmed Borboruah

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
PhD student, In person
Research interests: My research interest includes gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions, topological defects, leptogenesis, dark matter. Recently I worked on left-right symmetry breaking and possible gravitational wave from it via decay of topological defects called domain walls. Currently I am working on evolution of topological defects and leptogenesis through domain walls. I am also investigating heavy neutrino or scalar domination in the early universe and possible gravitational wave signature. On the other hand I am also looking into self-interacting dark matter in left-right symmetric model.
Talk: No

Zahra Bagheri (she/her/her)

University of Maragheh
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Astroparticle physics
Talk: No

Zakaria El-ansary (en/en/es)

Université Ibn Tofail
PhD student, In person
Research interests: Physics materials, physics nuclear, cosmology
Talk: No