Jul 17 – 21, 2023
Niels Bohr Institute
Europe/Copenhagen timezone
Zoom room: https://ucph-ku.zoom.us/j/66810127842?pwd=ZDVPVWV2anVtMFVkVklhcVlLUm92QT09 (password is in your e-mail)

Connecting to WiFi


The eduroam WiFi network is available everywhere inside the Niels Bohr Institute and in most premises of the University of Copenhagen (KU).  Please be sure to set up eduroam at your home institution, before the school.  You can find instructions do that here.

KU Guest

If you do not have an eduroam account, you can connect to the “KU Guest” WiFi network. Once connected, you open a browser window and enter your details. You then receive a text with a password, which along with your e-mail address will let you access the internet. This procedure must be repeated every day.

Outside KU premises

WiFi is free in the Copenhagen airport and in buses in the city. Most cafés and restaurants will provide free Internet to customers.