June 16, 2008 to July 4, 2008
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

The Niels Bohr International Academy and NORDITA

(Photo courtesy A. D. Jackson) This workshop will consider a number of problems common to strongly interacting cold atomic gases and systems of quarks and gluons. For example, in both cases experimental information is obtained by analysing the products of expansion of a strongly interacting fluid. In both, crossover phenomena occur, between atoms and molecules, and between quarks and hadrons, or quarks and quark pairs. In addition, physical problems of current interest in the individual fields will be considered. Two such themes are cold gases in optical lattices, and Fermi gases with resonant interactions. Space is limited. If you would like to participate in the workshop, before registering please send an e-mail to nbsi@nbi.dk to obtain confirmation that there is room. Scientific advisory committee: T.-L. (Jason) Ho (Ohio State U.) Jani-Petri Martikainen (Nordita) Tetsuo Matsui (U. of Tokyo) Stephanie Reimann (Lund) Kalle-Antti Suominen (Turku) Martin Zwierlein (MIT). Local organizing committee: Gordon Baym (U. of Illinois and NBI) baym [at] nbi.dk Georg Bruun (Niels Bohr Institute), bruungmb [at] fys.ku.dk Chris Pethick (Nordita), pethick [at] nbi.dk Kim Splittorff (Niels Bohr Institute), split [at] nbi.dk Henrik Smith (Niels Bohr Institute), hsmith [at] fys.ku.dk Conference secretary: Helle Kiilerich (NBIA), helle [at] nbi.dk Sponsored by: the Niels Bohr International Academy and Nordita.