11–15 Jun 2018
Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

Optical and infrared radiation pressure on dust and gas around AGN as drivers of dusty winds

15 Jun 2018, 11:15
Main Auditorium (Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen)

Main Auditorium

Geological Museum, University of Copenhagen

Øster Voldgade 5 - 7, 1350 København K, Denmark
Contributed talk Dust as a tool Dust in AGN


Marta Venanzi (Miss)


Parsec-scale polar emission signatures seen in the infrared continuum of many nearby AGN suggest the presence of dust in a region generally associated with outflowing gas. This makes clear that the idea of a circum-nuclear obscurer referred as torus needs to be revised in favour of a more complex obscuring structure, yielding a polar component. We present a semi analytical model to test the hypothesis of radiatively accelerated dusty winds launched by the AGN and the heated dust itself. The main components of the model under consideration are an AGN and an infrared radiating dusty disk, the latter being the primary mass reservoir for the outflow. We derive the full components of the force field experienced by dusty clouds in this environment, accounting for both gravity and the AGN radiation as well as the re-radiation by the hot dusty gas clouds themselves. We see that dusty outflows naturally emerge, whose strength and directions will depend on the Eddington ratio and the column density of the intervening material.

Consider for a poster? Yes

Primary authors

Marta Venanzi (Miss) Mr Sebastian Hoenig (University of Southampton)

Presentation materials