1–5 Jul 2019
Geological Museum
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

The Long-Lived Remnants of Massive White Dwarf Mergers

5 Jul 2019, 09:30
Main Auditorium (Geological Museum)

Main Auditorium

Geological Museum

Øster Voldgade 5-7 DK-1350 Copenhagen
Talk Mergers


Josiah Schwab (UC Santa Cruz)


The merger of carbon-oxygen or oxygen-neon white dwarfs need not lead to a thermonuclear explosion, even when their total mass is in excess of the Chandrasekhar mass. I will discuss the post-merger evolution of these massive merger remnants, which may sometimes result in the production of a neutron star, and draw parallels to ultra-stripped core collapse supernovae. I will also describe the observational signatures that may allow such objects to be identified in the Milky Way or nearby galaxies.

Primary author

Josiah Schwab (UC Santa Cruz)

Presentation materials

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