1–5 Jul 2019
Geological Museum
Europe/Copenhagen timezone

ELM Survey: the Observed Distribution of He+CO binaries

1 Jul 2019, 11:55
Main Auditorium (Geological Museum)

Main Auditorium

Geological Museum

Øster Voldgade 5-7 DK-1350 Copenhagen


Warren Brown (Smithsonian)


We present the completed ELM Survey, a targeted survey of extremely low mass white dwarfs. The final sample contains 106 He+CO white dwarf binaries; their median orbital period is 6 hr. Combining our spectroscopy with Gaia astrometry reveals that half of the binaries orbit in the disk, half in the halo. We compare the disk and halo samples, and discuss the merger rate of He+CO white dwarf binaries in the Milky Way. Our shortest orbital period systems are among the strongest LISA verification binaries.

Primary author

Warren Brown (Smithsonian)


Mukremin Kilic (University of Oklahoma)

Presentation materials

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