Early dark energy (EDE) alleviates the $H_0$ tension at the cost of increasing the clustering amplitude and worsening the $S_8$ discrepancy. Motivated by massive neutrinos' ability to suppress structure, we study their impact on EDE combining Planck and BOSS full-shape clustering data. A Bayesian analysis returns no evidence for a non-zero neutrino mass sum $M_{\nu}$ ($<0.15,{\rm eV}$ at 95%~C.L.), with limits driven primarily by shifts in the BAO scale. A frequentist profile likelihood analysis reveals a correlation between $M_{\nu}$ and the EDE fraction $f_{\rm EDE}$, which keeps $H_0$ fixed as $M_\nu$ increases. Compared to the best-fit baseline EDE model ($M_\nu = 0.06,{\rm eV}$), a model with $M_\nu=0.15,{\rm eV}$ maintains the same $H_0$(km/s/Mpc)=(70.08, 70.12, respectively) whilst decreasing $S_8$=(0.837, 0.831 respectively), whilst still representing a better fit ($\Delta \chi^2=-3.1$) relative to $\Lambda$CDM. Our results indicate that an EDE+$M_{\nu}$ model can keep the $H_0$ tension at the same level as baseline EDE while mitigating the enhanced clustering issue. Further analysis of this model and neutrino mass measurements in general require the careful addition of extra datasets. I will present preliminary work on building a pipeline for combining probes on the map-level with both auto- and cross-correlations of different datasets. This pipeline is promising to obtain strong constraints on the LCDM model and several extensions.