12–16 Aug 2013
Europe/Copenhagen timezone


For the one-week period of 12-16 of August, 2013 the NBIA, the Discovery Center and the NBI high energy theory groups will host a small workshop. The idea is to provide a stimulating environment with few talks per day, but plenty of time for informal discussions. A range of topics and current themes in High Energy Physics and Cosmology will be addressed. Participation is open, but speakers are by invitation only. Because of space limitations, we ask potentially interested participants to contact one of the two organizers: [bjbohr AT nbi.dk] or [harmark AT nbi.dk].

Nima Arkani-Hamed

Iosif Bena

Zvi Bern

Johannes Henn

Zohar Komargodski

Patrick Meade

V.P. Nair

Jun Nishimura

Eliezer Rabinovici

Misha Shifman

David Shih

Paul Steinhardt

David Tong

Henry Tye

Pierre Vanhove

Tsutomu Yanagida

Organisers: N. Emil J. Bjerrum-Bohr Troels Harmark Local advisory committee: Jan Ambjørn Poul Henrik Damgaard Charlotte Kristjansen Niels Obers