This was a small informal workshop centered on recent developments in amplitude calculations in field theory in a broad sense of the word. The focus was on exchanging ideas about the structural aspects of these and lessons that can be drawn from them. The workshop took place at the Niels Bohr International Academy, a newly formed entity at the Niels Bohr Institute, located in the recently refurbished Nordita building.
PDF-files for almost all the talks can be found here.
The workshop photo can be found here.
The website for the 2009 workshop can be found here.

Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS) Simon Badger (Saclay) Paolo Benincasa (Perimeter Institute and CPT, Durham) Emil Bjerrum-Bohr (IAS) Paul Heslop (Queen Mary, University of London) Henrik Johansson (UCLA) Riccardo Ricci (Imperial College) David Skinner (Mathematical Institute, Oxford) Marcus Spradlin (Brown University) Pierre Vanhove (Saclay) All this in the spirit of these gentlemen,