Current Themes in Holography: Exact results, applications, extensions and fundamentals
Niels Bohr Insitute
Niels Bohr Insitute
Copenhagen University
This workshop aims at bringing together leading experts and young researchers in a broad array of topics relevant to holography. The subjects will include
holography and exact results in supersymmetric field theories
applications of the gauge/gravity correpsondence to strongly coupled field theories
extensions of the AdS/CFT correspondence
fundamental insights into quantum gravity and black hole physics
This workshop hopes to create a productive and constructive setting for interaction and discussions between researchers working in the field of holography.
(Note: pdf files of the talks are accessible from the menu item "Timetable" by clicking the icon to the right of the speaker names)
Speakers include
Benjamin Basso
Niklas Beisert
Matteo Bertolini
Francesco Bigazzi
Agnese Bissi
Frederic Brünner
Alejandra Castro
Geoffrey Compère
Miguel Costa
Jan de Boer
Johanna Erdmenger
Nick Evans
Jerome Gauntlett
Blaise Goutéraux
Daniel Grumiller
Jelle Hartong
Carlos Hoyos
Romuald Janik
Kristan Jensen
Keun-Young Kim
Robert Myers
Carlos Nunez
Silvia Penati
Gordon Semenoff
Brian Swingle
Marika Taylor
Larus Thorlacius
Mark van Raamsdonk
Moshe Rozali
Koenraad Schalm
Konstantin Zarembo
Alberto Zaffaroni
This is the concluding workshop of the ESF network Holograv. The deadline for registration is February 29. There is no conference fee.
Organizing committee
Cindy Keeler
Charlotte Kristjansen
Troels Harmark
Marius de Leeuw
Niels Obers
Advisory committee
Alejandra Castro
Johanna Erdmenger
Nick Evans
Gordon Semenoff
Larus Thorlacius
Konstantin Zarembo
The Conference will be held at Auditorium A1-01.01 in the Faculty of Life Sciences of Copenhagen University, Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg C, see map.